The End

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'Is he gone?' Lombard asked you and you nodded. He smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead. 'Well done' you stared into his eyes, not believing that your plan had actually worked. You were onto Wargrave from the start , he always had far too much love for death and torture and seemed to get a kick out of delivering the death sentence and decided you needed to play along with his games to beat him. You told Lombard of your plan and he helped you to fake his death on the beach; you knew wargrave would be watching so you moved behind some rocks and fired some shots whilst Lombard put his acting skills to the test and played dead. You smiled and mentally thanked him many times- you were falling in love with him all over again.

'Did you keep to your side of the bargain?' You asked Philip and he smiled at you 'of course, spent the last hour throwing alcohol and fuel on this bastard house' you smiled and nodded. 'Light it up then' you planned to burn the house in order to create a big enough signal for the mainland to see. Lombard pulled his cigarette case out of his pocket and grabbed some matches. One by one, he lit them and three them into the house. You stood back as the matches began to burn the house and the flames grew. You felt Philips hand move around your waist and he pulled you into him. All you had to do was wait.

After a few hours of watching the hell you were trapped in burn, a boat appeared on the beach. You looked at Lombard and nodded; it was time to put your plan into action. 'Oh my goodness' you cried as the occupants of the boat ran towards you. 'What happened here?' One man asked you as he stared open mouthed at the burning building. 'It was terrible, we were all tricked into coming here by a man and one by one he killed us all. Then he killed himself, I only got away because I ran and hid.' You saw the man staring at you as you sobbed then he looked to Philip, you immediately began to speak 'Mr Lombard here, he was at the beach, he's a vain man and wanted to tan and train so he left us. We presumed he had left the island. I found him as I fled the murderer' you sobbed. The man seemed to buy your story as he wrapped his arm around you and led you back to the boat; another man helped Philip. He flashed you a small smirk as you clambered onto the boat and back to safety.

The boat journey was silent until the man you had cried to spoke 'you know, the police will want to interview you and you'll probably be taken in for questioning.' You frowned and looked helplessly at the man, he sighed and glanced at the man on his right, he nodded. 'That is unless there were no survivors' 'what do you mean?' Philip asked moving closer to you. 'I mean, mr Lombard; I will report that I got the island and there were no survivors. Just go and carry on with your lives; I feel you two have both been through enough' you smiled and thanked the men. You felt Philip grab your hand and give it a small squeeze.

You arrived back at the dock and thanked your saviours as you left. Taking Marston's car you drive off, back to your home in the countryside. You laughed as Philip drove the car through the country, the wind whistled through your hair. 'I can't believe we actually did it!' Lombard laughed and you joined in. 'We are the dream team, partners in crime' you laughed and he looked at you. 'I can't wait, a proper life, just the two of us' you smiled at him then frowned 'actually that's not technically true' you spoke softly and Philip looked at you. You sighed and continued, 'I lied' you whispered. Lombard looked at you, his eyes full of confusion. 'My daughter- she's still alive' you said and Philips eyes widened. 'Once I found out what he'd done I went to find her. I saved her and gave her to a friend of mine. My little girl is fine' Lombard looked at you, 'you lied' he spoke. He seemed heart broken 'you killed 21 men' you spoke back and he smiled. 'Fine the three of us then' you laughed and threw you lips to his. 'Now, Mr Lombard, we are free. please get me home' 'and straight to bed?' He asked and you nodded whilst laughing.

The End! Thank you so much for reading, please comment and vote :)
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