And then there was nine

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You walked through to the dining room and sat down. The other guests did the same, Philip sat opposite you, his eyes never leaving yours and Marston sat down next to. You smiled sweetly at him. Marston spoke 'quaint, these little things aren't they?' He said pointing to the 10 emerald statues in the middle of the table 'they are the soldiers' you spoke 'the soldiers from the poem' everyone looked at you 'you have a copy of it in your rooms don't you?' Lombard spoke 'doesn't mean we've taken the time to read it ms Gardiner' then he smirked. 'It's an amusing tale I find, mr Lombard, perhaps the reason you lack manners and social skills is your ignorance to literature' you spoke back, gaining giggles from the other members and Marston. Lombard opened his mouth to reply when there was a noise, it crackled and then a voice spoke 'Ladies and Gentlemen, silence please' the voice filled the room and everyone looked to each other in shock. The voice then went on 'you are charged with the following indictments: Edward George Armstrong that you did cause the death of Louisa Mary Clees, Emily Caroline Brent you were responsible for the death of Beatrice Taylor, William Henry Blore, that you brought about the death of James Stephen Landor, Philip Lombard that you were guilty of the death of 21 members of an East African Tribe, John Gordon McArthur that you deliberately sent your wife's lover Arthur Richmond to his death. Antony James Marston that you were guilty of the murder of John and Lucy Combes. Thomas and Ethel Rogers that you did bring about the death of Jenifer Brady. Lawrence John Wargrave you are guilty of the the murder of Edward Seton and Ms Y/N Gardiner that you did cause the death of Mr Edward Thomas Gardiner and Miss Lorna Amber Gardiner; prisoners of the bar, how do you plead?' The voice finished and went off.

The room was silent, everyone stared at each other, Philip looked at you and you at him, his face was pale and emotionless. You stood up from the table and there was a loud thud, you ran to the door and opened it to reveal Mrs Roger's motionless body 'Mr Armstrong!' You shouted and he ran up to her 'it's okay she's just fainted, take her to our room' Mr Rogers spoke 'I apologise Ms Gardiner she has always been if a nervous disposition' you smiled and watched as the men carried her off then the voice began to speak again, it was repeating its previous speech. 'It sounds like it's in the room' you spoke watching Lombard who was scanning the room 'here!' He exclaimed as he ran next to the fireplace and flung open a door, concealed in the wall. It revealed another drawing room, this one empty except for a small table and a gramophone; the gramophone was playing the dreadful record. You walked over to the gramophone and removed the record. 'It's a heartless joke' Armstrong spoke 'so you think it's a joke do you?' Wargrave asked. You looked at the two men, when a hand touched your shaking hand. 'There's still the frightful business of who turned it on' Marston was stood next to you. 'Rogers?' You asked as he stood in the door 'you bitch!' He spat and Lombard threw him against the wall 'something to say Rogers!?' He shouted 'she's blaming me, it wasn't me, I was just left instructions to put it on. How dare I be accused of this, of any of it!' You cowered into Marston as he spoke 'for a second there Rogers you reminded me of my husband' you spoke holding your head. The general spoke 'this is preposterous, slinging accusations about!' He exclaimed. You let go go Marston and went to sit, clutching your stomach. The others began to chat about Owen and their reasons for being here when you zoned out, you looked in the mirror and saw her smiling back at you. 'No!' You gasped and stepped back. Lombard noticed you but kept speaking 'I was asked to come here to sing, there was to be a party' you spoke and everyone looked at you. 'By the Owen's?' Armstrong asked 'no not directly, I receive a letter and then had a meeting with a mr Isaac Morris, he was their agent or something along those lines'. You spoke, getting fainter towards the end, you head thumped and his voice echoes through your mind 'you daft bitch!' You sat in a chair next to Wargrave. He smiled reassuringly at you. 'If Owen isn't real what about those accusations!?' Blore spoke 'a pack of vile slander and lies!' The general exploded. Rogers spoke 'it's all wicked lies!' 'I will say, Seton was guilty' Wargrave spoke softly. The seton case invaded your mind, you remembered everyone was sure he was innocent but the judge sentenced him to death. 'It's lies, my wife didn't take a lover. She was a beautiful and loyal woman. Arthur was a friend he died in battle' the general spoke. You felt a hand on yours again and saw the judge. He smiled at you and you realised you were crying 'how dare they!' You whispered 'how dare they mention her name' you sobbed. You looked at Lombard and he frowned 'those natives-' he began 'it's pin point accurate about me, it was a matter of self preservation, I did what I had to to survive' 'you disgust me!' Ms Brent spoke 'look love, either I'm going along with this story of fun or I'm the only one telling the truth in a room FULL of liars' he spoke then he looked at you. 'Those people, they must have been the kids. Bloody idiots, stepped out in front of my car in the dead of night- dreadful business' 'for you or for them mr Marston?' Wargrave spoke 'for me, lost my license. My car, I lost it' you gasped 'how can you be so nonchalant about this?' You spoke 'those kids caused me nothing but bother, nuisance' 'men like you are a danger, speeding everywhere like mad men' Armstrong spoke. Marston ignored him and took a sip from his glass. Everyone else carried on taking turns to protest their innocence and then they spoke about who else was on the island. Your eyes stayed fixed on Marston, he went pale and walked to you 'Ms Gardiner, I don't feel all that well' he whispered then he leant on you as he began choking: the others gathered as Marston suddenly spat up blood. He gasped for breath then collapsed on top of you. 'Get him off me please!' You shrieked. A large hand pulled you from under Marston and held you close, it was Lombard. You looked and saw you were covered in marston's blood. 'My god he's dead!' Armstrong exclaimed. 'Ten little soldier boys went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine.' You whispered softly, holding on to,Lombard for dear life.

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