Parties and Deserters

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'Philip!' You screamed as he picked you up and swung you around. He put you down as you two slow danced; your head fitted perfectly in the crook of his neck 'I'm never letting you go again' he whispered into your ear and you smiled 'You may not have a choice soon Philip. ' you said and he smiled 'look at you, calling me by my real name' he laughed 'I think it's time you were forgotten, everyone deserves forgiveness- remember that' you spoke, looking into his eyes and he pecked your forehead. 'Y/N I am going to get you off this island alive' you smiled 'don't make promises you can't keep.' You said as you rested your heavy head on his shoulder.

Dr Armstrong's POV
The sight of them getting so close scared me. What was happening between Lombard and Ms Gardiner; they seemed to always be together and when they weren't, he was constantly watching her or checking to see where she was. Maybe they've teamed up, they are against us. Haha no they can't be; I need to get out of here, he'll help me I know he will. I'll visit him tonight I think. I was stood with a very drunk Blore leaned against me when a familiar voice echoed through the room 'prisoners of the bar, how do you plead?' It finished 'GUILTY!' Lombard and Ms Gardiner screamed, they then laughed at each other.

Their shout woke up Blore who also exclaimed 'guilty as sin' he laughed and walked over to them as the three drunk and danced more. I removed myself from the party and sat on a chair, thinking.

You stood in Lombard's arms, for the first time in months, you felt happy. You couldn't deny your love for him, despite what he was. It was a shame you would never get a life together again. 'I'm going to bed' you said to Philip and he nodded 'I'll watch you up the stairs' you smiled and began to walk out of the room 'where you going?' Armstrong questioned 'I'm going to bed and Mr Lombard is seeing me up the stairs' you explained. 'Why are you doing that?' 'What?' 'You call him Mr Lombard when speaking to us but call him Philip to his face, why not just admit you two are working together.' He cried hysterically 'you know Dr Armstrong, it's quite ironic. The alcoholic doctor who specialises in mental illnesses suffering from extreme paranoia and-' you leant in close to whisper this 'an attack of conscience' you then turned to everyone 'you may all watch me up the stairs, surely a murderer wouldn't kill me at the top of the stairs when there are three men waiting at the bottom' you joked.

You reached the top of the stairs and entered your room. You stood in front of the window, thinking. You were thinking about everything but mainly the way this adventure would end. You were pulled out of your thoughts when a knock sounded at the door. You turned to face the door as Lombard came in 'y/n' he spoke softly, you walked past him and shut the door. Immediately he pushed you up against the door and threw his lips on yours. This time, you didn't push him away again, instead you begun unbuttoning his shirt as he undid his trousers.

Dr Armstrong's POV
I laid in bed, tossing and turning. Taking my chance, I got up and went outside. Firstly, down the corridor, then down the stairs. I took a deep breath as I went outside and to the cliffs. I couldn't do this anymore, I needed a way out.

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