The invite

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'Mrs Gardiner, it would be my upmost pleasure to invite you to my home; I am holding a small gathering of old acquaintances and I was rather hoping you could come and provide us with entertainment- your voice is somewhat angelic. Please respond forthwith,
Mrs U N Owen'

You folded the letter up and placed it in your bag as you stood at the docks, you sighed waiting for the boat to take you to soldier island. You were unsure at first whether or not to take up the offer of a performance but once you'd met with Isaac Morris, and you were paid a large sum of money; you took up the offer. You had been quite busy in the last 3 years; penniless, you left London and moved to Yorkshire where you met Edward Gardiner, you married and he helped you become a singer. You had released a few singles and was quite a small celebrity. Tragically, 6 months ago, Edward died; you were left all alone, you carried on your singing and sold your home, moving to a smaller cottage.

'Soldier Island?' A small, ginger man wearing all white asked you and you nodded 'yes sir, the Owens invited me' he smiled and offered you his hand 'Dr Armstrong, I'm the same' you smiled politely then turned around to look at the sea, in the distance you saw the island, it looked lonely with just a large White House in the middle of it.

Someone cleared their throat behind you causing you to turn round. You gasped and stood open mouthed 'Lombard' the man spoke through a smirk. You closed your mouth and turned away, a sailor was bow stood next to you, his name was naracott and he was going to take you over to the island. There were 6 people wanting transport to the island, one of them you recognised and went over to 'Judge Wargrave' you spoke, offering him your arm to help him walk; 'ms Gardiner, he smiled, I hope you are most well?' You nodded 'very well thank you sir, and yourself?' He frowned 'as well as can be, I am old and frail. Here to meet a friend of mine actually' he smiled and you smiled too.

After a short boat journey you reached the island. You helped Wargrave off the boat and went to grab your suitcase but someone else got it first, glancing up you saw Philip 'thank you sir, but I can carry my own luggage' you spoke taking it from his hands. He smirked at you and winked. Ignoring him you returned to Wargrave. You two stayed at the back of the group and after what seemed like 20 minutes you arrived at the top of the cliff, facing the house. 'This is where I leave you' Naracott spoke, you smiled at him 'goodbye sir and thank you'. You walked on, the judge was getting out of breath so you stopped for a second 'thank you ms Gardiner, you must think me an useless old man.' He said 'never sir, you are one of the most capable men I have ever met' your mind went back to when you and the judge first met, he was at one of your small concerts. He was helping your husband with some of his assets- stocks and shares and everything. You two met and immediately became friends, he stayed a close friend since.

Eventually you arrived at the house, you were greeted by two housekeepers- a man and his wife. There were two other guests already arrived. A young attractive man who went by the name of Marston and a ageing lady called Emily. As you entered the hall of the great house, you felt two sets of eyes on you at all times- the eyes of your old lover and Mr Marston's. You were shown your room and you went to change, ready for supper.

After a while, you strolled down the stairs and sat in the small room next to the dining room. You looked around and noticed the poem that was on your bedroom wall was also on the wall here. You were reading it when a voice came from behind you 'I must offer my deepest sympathies, Ms Gardiner' you turned and saw Marston. 'I was a huge fan of your husbands- his driving was superb, the way he handled those engines- exquisite' you smiled 'thank you, unfortunately his success led to partying and the partying lifestyle caught up with him' you said innocently 'well there must be we thing said for the old chap, he had as fine a taste in women as he did in cars' he spoke smoothly, kissing your hand. Lombard entered the room and sat down; he lit a cigarette, his eyes never leaving your body. Marston went to speak to him and you looked outside. You heard the door shut behind you and a familiar voice whisper in your ear 'hello y/n' your body tensed 'mr Lombard' you spoke bluntly, you felt his arm wrap around your waist and he quickly spun you so you were facing him 'Ms Gardiner ey?' He spoke 'yes, I married- is that a problem?' 'He's dead now though' Lombard smiled and you smiled back 'yes, he is' he nodded 'guess I can win you back then' he said confidently 'you can certainly try' you spoke, placing your hands on his ripped chest, you felt his muscles through his tight suit. He leant in to try to kiss you, you simply leaned in and pulled his cigarette out of his mouth, placing it in your own. 'Dinner is served' Rogers spoke at the door and you smiled 'thank you, and thank you mr Lombard for the ciggie' you walked out of the room feeling Lombard's gaze burning into your back.

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