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Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things define what's within
And I've been there before, and that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
: If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys
            4 Years Later
               Kyron P.O.V.

             "Mom. Why don't I live with you?" I asked her. She shrugged.

           "Because your father wants you around your siblings and he doesn't want you to feel like you're not wanted or different," she explained. I nodded.

          "Why you ask? Do you want to live with me?" She asked.

          "No," I shook my head. "Its not that I don't love you or anything, but I like being around my siblings. Plus KJ is my best friend and I like living with my best friend," I shrugged.

         "Does Lyric treat you differently?" She asked. I shook my head.

        "Who MLK? She's the best. Each of us get our own day to pick what she cooks! And she always spends individual time with us on a certain day every month. We take a vacation every school break, so that's why I'm not here. She's the best!" I exclaimed.

         "You like living with her and your dad huh?" My mom asked. I nodded.

        "I love it. MLK is always snapping on daddy. She takes special care of me when I'm sick. She loves all of us the same. She has never treated me differently. Only person she treats different is Kyan, but that's because she's the only girl," I explained.

         "Your dad really loves her doesn't it?" She asked. I nodded.

        "We all love Kyan. She's the best. My favorite younger sibling is Kingsley though," I told her. I like talking to my moms.

        "I was talking about Lyric," she sighed. I rolled my eyes.

         "Yeah. They're in love. You can tell by the way they look at each other. He is really happy with her. They have an unbreakable bond," I laughed.

        "What if I told you your dad and I were having another baby?" She asked with a huge smile.

          I furrowed my eyebrows standing up. "But he's married to MLK! He can't have a child by you! It wouldn't be right!" I exclaimed.

        "Well I'm pregnant by your father. I actually thought you would be happy Kyron. We can finally be a family like we were meant to be!" She yelled.

          "Mom. I know you're not pregnant and I know you still love dad. Just let him go ma. Let him go," I said staring in her eyes. She just burst into tears as I hugged her.

       "He was my husband. I was supposed to be in that house raising all of you, not her," she cried.

           'No you weren't,' I thought. "I know, I know," I sighed patted her back. She hugged me.

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