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My whole life has changed
Since you came in
I knew back then
You were that special one
I'm so in love,
So deep in love
You made my life complete
You are so sweet
No one competes
Glad you came into my life
You blind me with your love
With you, I have no sight
Girl you opened me
I'm wide open
And I'm doing things I'd never do
But I feel so good, I feel so good
Why it take so long, me finding you you?
This is my story
And I'm telling you
It's not fiction
It's surely a fact
Without you right here
Having my back
I really don't know just where I'd be at
Me whole life has changed
: Differences by Ginuwine

                 Kyren P.O.V.

            Layla kissed my lips as I leaned back on the bed. She climbed on top of me. "Did you lock the door?" I asked.

            "Mmhmm," she mumbled. I pulled her shirt over her head. Then I turned flipped her over so I was right between her legs. I took my shirt off and slung it on the floor. Just when I was about to unzip her pants, my room door burst open.

            "KJ, we need to t- THAT DAMN GIRL BETTER NOT BE NAKED!" My mom snapped.

             "She not. We wasn't doing nothing," I hopped up. "She wanted my shirt." I gave my shirt to Layla who threw it on in a haste.

              "KJ don't play with me. Play with your daddy bitch," she said. I covered my mouth, so she wouldn't see me laughing.

              "Ma, we were just kissing. I'm not gone have sex in your house."

            "You did it before."

            "Kyan wasn't here," I shrugged.

            "KJ don't fucking play with me," she mugged me.

            "I was drunk mama. I didn't know. Don't chastise me for my past mistakes," I pouted. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

           "Come up front now," she said firmly. I got up and Layla did too.

            "This is embarrassing," she muttered.

             "I told you to lock the door," I replied. She rolled her eyes at me. "Mama can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked.

             "Not if it's about sex!" She snapped.

            "Mama," I groaned.

            "Fine KJ," she mumbled going into the kitchen.

             "Layla go into the living room. I'll be in there shortly," I said.

              "Okay," she said kissing my lips. I smiled.

               "Soooo," I thudded my hands against the counter. "About what Lauren said the other day."

              "Okay first of all, I didn't know it was your daddy's wedding day until after we had sex, so don't judge me," she replied.

               "I was talking about the part where she said he didn't cheat," I bemused.

              "Ohh," she said. "Oh. Well. Sucks to be him, I guess," she shrugged.

               "You don't feel bad at all?" I asked her.

              "To be honest KJ, no. I'm actually content knowing my husband did not cheat on me. And he's content knowing that I got payback for when he played me back then. Now he isn't looking over his shoulder anymore," she shrugged.

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