Chapter 20: May

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Chapter 20: May

After hours of typing and searching and more typing, we still had nothing. I leaned back in my chair and sighed. I had a horrible feeling we were never going to find them.

I was about to go see if Michael had anything when my phone rang. I picked it up right away.


"May. May, it's Maddie. I don't have much time. April was right. It's" then the line went dead.

I looked back at the screen, then I tried calling again. No one picked up. I rushed into Michael's office.

"Have you seen Maddie?" I asked.

"I've been sitting here all day," he replied.

"She just called me. She said she doesn't have much time and April was right. Then the line died and I can't get ahold of her."

He looked up from his screen at me. "April was right about what?"

"I don't know! I need to find Maddie. I think she knows something."

"If you see Janey, can you let her know I need to see her? It's not really important."

I nodded. "Yeah."


I went to the elevator and was about to push the down button when the door opened.

"Oh thank God, May. I need to talk to you," Jocelyn said.

"Can we talk on the way? I need to find Maddie, stat."

"Ok. Going down?" We rode the elevator to floor 3B and got off. "Why do you need Maddie?"

"She called me. I think she knows something."

"Why wouldn't she just go and talk to you?"

"She said she didn't have much time. I don't know. What did you want to talk about?"

"Do you have access to your mom's files?"

I sighed, then was silent. The ding and the door opened. I stepped off first. "I'm sorry, Jocelyn. I've tried everything and people keep asking for the files, but I can't get to them. The laptop just sits uselessly in my desk and" I slammed my hand against the wall. "I can't do it! The one thing people need me to do, and I can't do it!"

Jocelyn put her hand on my shoulder. "Hey. Chill. We can't have you overreacting when we have a bigger problem on our hands."

"But I feel like if I could just get into the laptop, then all our problems would be solved."

"We're always going to have problems," she replied. "Now, let's go find Maddie."

"I have no idea where she would be," I said.

"I'll go grab my stuff from my room and help you look," she said.

"Thanks." I followed her to her room, and she opened the door.

We both stood completely still. Jocelyn moved first. "There's a first aid kit under my desk. Use that. I'll keep guard."

It took me a second to react. Maddie was lying on the floor with a knife in her side. I slowly moved over to her. "Do you have gloves?" I asked. She slid over the kit in reply.

"Don't touch the knife. It could have fingerprints," Jocelyn added as she held up a gun and searched the room.

"Good point." I held my fingers carefully and took Maddie's pulse. "She's still alive."

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