Chapter 22: Janey

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I would’ve asked May to help me research stuff about my past, but I want to find out this stuff on my own.  I also figured she was researching it already, so I would just ask her if I got stuck.  So far I figured out that I was a child prodigy when it came to spying, like the Winters girls, but better.  I became an assistant trainer for younger kids, and then I went on a mission with Ava, she cut the rope holding me to the glacier and I fell and ‘died’.  May and Tracey Winters then found me and brought me to the A1.  I had a fake name tag with me that said Janet Bronut, but I thought Janet was a stiff name, so I began going by Janey.  Then I began my training here, rose to become the #2 and made a new life for myself.

I still didn’t have many personal memories from the A2, or my life with Nattie and my family.  I also wanted to figure out why I went on the mission with Ava, when there were many more qualified spies to go to Antarctica, and why Ava tried to kill me.  I know she’s an Ishithian, but she must’ve had some other reason that she did it. 

I walked into the main area of the underground area.  There’s no real name for the area.  People have come up with nicknames for it, The Void, The Unknown, The Underground, OUT (ominous unknown territory), since not everyone goes down there.  I found Ava, who had recovered from the electrocutions.

“Why did you try to kill me?” I asked her authoritatively.

“Which time?” She smiled sweetly.

My hand slammed into her head.  “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“First of all, damn that hurt.”

“I’m glad it did.”

“Second, it still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

My eyes narrowed.  “I will give you one last chance to answer before things get bad.”

“You’re a good guy.  You won’t hurt me all that bad.  Plus, you need me in order to get information.  You can’t kill me and you don’t scare me.”

I hate that she’s right.  But she tried to kill me and I had to make her suffer as best as I could.  I could call in the Squad, but was a ready to go that far?  She missed her chance to answer by snarkily remarking to my demand.  I pushed a call button on the desk.  “Send in the Squad.”  I looked back at Ava, her eyes had widened the slightest bit.

“You know if I talk, they will do so much worse things to me.  You can’t do anything to stop them, or keep them from me if I talk.  They can get into anywhere.”  Now she was beginning to crack.

“If you talk, then we can stop them.”

“I don’t want them to be stopped!” Ava shouted.  “I want to be safe from them and from you guys.  I got into this a while ago because of my parents.  I thought if I became an evil spy like them, then they would care for me more.  They don’t, and if I spill, then they won’t care that I’m their daughter.  If I leave, then they will track me down and make me pay.  If I stay here, you won’t stop until you get the information that you want.  I can’t win.”

The doors opened and the Squad walked in.  I connected the security camera to my laptop.  I didn’t want to be in here for this.  “Call me when she’s ready to talk.  But don’t kill her.”  I walked out and slammed the door.  I could hear Ava’s screams through the walls.  Wow, they work fast.  Hopefully I’ll never be a victim to the Squad.

A few hours later, Ava still didn't talk.  She was unconscious right now, so the Squad stopped.  I was in the cafeteria eating dinner with Nattie, April, Michael, Matt, Zach, Brett, Nick, May and Jocelyn.  I joined in their conversation and after about half an hour, I slowly forgot about what just happened.

Then the lights went out.  The emergency lights didn’t come on.  This wasn’t a normal blackout, someone shut everything off.  I remembered what Ava said, ‘They can get into anywhere.’

“Ishithians,” I said.  Everyone at the table sprang into action.  May and Michael headed to HQ to try to get the power back on, Matt, Brett and Nick went to secure the exits.  Zach, Nattie, April and I ran to The Underground.  When we got there, my worst fear was confirmed.  Ava was gone.

My first instinct, check the footage.  But the cameras were down, and so were the computers.  We ran up the stairs to HQ to see how May and Michael were doing.

“It’s something internal.  It shut down the system and put something in place that is keeping it off.  I’m able to access the network through my laptop, but the Wi-Fi and then connection is also down,” May said.

“We can fix it.  But we first have to take care of the Wi-Fi and the connection in order to take down whatever is blocking the power,” Michael added.  “Did you find anything?”

“It’s the Ishithians. Someone broke out Ava.  We can’t find her and we can’t trace her,” I said.

“Wait a minute.  I have her cell number.  Could we use that to trace her?” Nattie asked.

“I could do that on my phone, but only if she has her phone on her,” May said.

“And you can’t take down whatever’s blocking the power through your phone?” April asked.

“I can’t take down something that strong through my phone,” May responded.  She began to type on her phone.  “Put in her number.”  Nattie entered the number into May’s phone.  A few minutes later.  “Found her.  She didn’t get very far.  She must’ve been really preoccupied if she forgot to disable her phone.”

Then I realized I forgot to take her phone when she was discovered.  My mistake possibly led to her escape, but now we could use it to recapture her.  I took the phone from May and grabbed my gear.  “I’ll get her back.”  I started walking out and April followed me.  I wasn’t going to stop her.  It was smart to bring someone else, but I didn’t want anyone else coming.  We ran to the garage and got into the fastest car.  It was hard to find the keys because everything was pitch black.  April used the flashlight on her phone to find everything and we quickly pulled out to find Ava.


I know it's been a while, I'm sorry.  I had a ton of stuff to do but I've finally updated!!  This isn't a slow chapter and I hope everyone likes the plot twist.  It's gonna get better.  Tell me what you think!!  It will encourage me to update earlier than planned.  Right now I'm thinking the next chapter will come out sometime before 2/20/15.

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