Chapter 51

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*Elsa Moon*

The whole Kingdom was rounded up here in the Elemental Kingdom. King John walked up to the stage and cleared his throat. Queen Tamara was behind him with dad, aunt Solista, Jack, Kristoff, and the rest of the Kings and Queens were sitting down with the rest of the crowd. Me, Anna, and Ryan were behind stage with a guard.

"Kingdom, I have news. The Princesses of Arendelle disappeared months ago. Although today....they have returned!" King John said and suddenly the whole crowd started cheering.

"Although a visitor has also came with them....and he is not the person we thought he was. He has proven to be a good guy and a great person to these girls. First I'd like you to welcome....Princess Anna and Princess Elsa!" John announced and everyone cheered.

Me and Anna walked up to the stage but Ryan stayed behind with the guard. We stood next to John and everyone cheered even louder. They noticed our clothes were more human, and we weren't acting poise...but casual. I went to the mike and cleared my throat.

"Hello Kingdom." I said and everyone cheered. I had this feeling in my stomach since I practically haven't speaked to a crowd for months.

"I feel weird, I haven't spoke to a crowd for months." I said and everyone chuckled. Anna walked next to me

"Anyways, we know what your all thinking, Pitch Black is bad and evil and all that but really....he's not. He treated us like his very own sisters. At first we hated he's like our brother. He showed us the Human World and how to drive and all that crazy stuff humans do." Anna said and chuckled.

"He's the best half brother I have ever had." I said and everyone listened carefully with their eyes wide.

"His real name is Ryan Denmoore. When we were with him we went out into the world as different people. Me as Riley Denmoore, Anna as Ramyra Denmoore. It was an amazing experience." I said and everyone smiled I could see they indeed understood that Pitch wasn't ab bad person.

"Ryan can you come up please." I said and Ryan came out from behind the curtains and some people gasped at his sight. He came up next to me.

"Now, who here...believe me...that Pitch Black is good?" I asked. A few hundred people raised their hands but not everyone.

"Alright, dad what did you see when you saw the Denmoore's go out?" I asked and then a guard handed a mike to dad.

"I to sisters bond. Like how you and Anna are, that's what I saw. He would buy you anything and when you said you didn't want him to waste his money he would tell you that that's what he worked for. For you two." Dad said and I could see he was saying it with emotion that was sincere.

"Coming from King Manny Moon....don't you think it's true?" I asked the crowed and they all nodded.

"Now, the whole Pitch Black is Good thing is cleared up. Let me say the real reason on why I wanted to do this." I said. Everyone went silent.

"I wanted you all to vote. You don't have to worry because the Council will not do anything to you for agreeing or disagreeing. Everyone here knows about the law of love, only Royalty to Royalty and Non Royal to Non Royal." I said then this was the news that would shock everyone.

"I know you all know, or have heard about me, the Princess, not liking...the Guardian Jack Frost, right?" I said and Jack looked at me.

"Well I have come to clear those rumors or whatever you want to call them...they are not true." I said and everyone's eyes went wide.

"The truth is.....I'm.... love with him. We have been dating since a week before our disappearance." I said. Everyone immediately gasped and started whispering.

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