Chapter 58

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*Elsa Moon*

I awoke and got up straight to the bathroom. I looked at my self in the mirror. Memories flooded back. Jack spent the rest of the day with me and told me about Ryan's other sibling.

I brushed my teeth and made my bed. After that I took a shower really quick and put on my bathrobe while my hair was wrapped in my towel. I went to my human sized mirror and looked at myself.

I looked like a teenager still...but entering adult hood. I'd say like Ryan's age, 19 or 20. I went to my walk in closet and picked out a dress.

I was dressed in a blue almost simple, but loose and sleeveless, only it was being held to me by diomonds that went around my neck.

I took a seat in my dresser and did my make up into a light Smokey eye then I dried my hair and only formally curled it into large big curls on my left shoulder.

I walked out and went downstairs to the dining table, I sat down but there was no one here, I checked the time and it was 8:26am. I'm 4 minutes early. I waited and then dad, aunt Solista, and Ryan came down.

"Good morning Elsa." They said and I smiled.

"Morning." I said as they sat down. Then Anna came down in a red dress. As usual.

Although her dress was beautiful. Held her by the shoulders with jewels, they circled her breasts and the rest of the dress was simple and loose. Her heels were silver.

"Mornin'." She said smiling.

"Morning." We said as she sat down. We started eating.

"Any plans for the day?" Aunt Solista asked.

"Um, I have been working on a few designs so I really want to try and make them." Anna said and they all nodded eating. I frowned.

"And you Elsa?" Ryan asked me. I sighed.

"I need with Tooth. I need to explain everything to her. Jack says that she won't talk about me, talk to him, or won't let the rest of the guardians talk about me around her." I said a little sadly. They looked at me in pity.

"Elsa, I'm sure if you talked to her, then she'll understand." Aunt Solista said kindly and I nodded. We kept eating and no one said anything to me afterwards.

I was done eating and excused myself from the table. I walked upstairs to grab my purse and headed out towards the carriage. Devan smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Take me to Tooth's place." I said as he helped me in and then we set off. We landed in Tooth's place but she was nowhere to be seen. I got out and walked to her room.

She was in there, sitting in her dresser and looking at papers. Tooth wasnin her human frorm. Her black hair with spikes pointing everywhere. Her green highlights where everywhere. She was wearing green feathered earings, a normal green off shoulder shirt and a golden scarf.

I knocked and she turned around. Her brown human eyes widened. Since the door was a bit of see through, she could see me.

"May I come in?" I asked and her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Why should I let you in? You betrayed us all." She said sternly. I sighed.

"Tooth, if you would just let me explain that-" I started but she cut me off.

"Explain what? That you only did it for yourself. To get out of the miserable world of being a Princess?" Tooth said coldly.

"No! You have to understand that I had no idea that Ryan would come for us! I had no idea he wasn't evil! I didn't plan this!" I yelled and she sighed.

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