Chapter 63

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*Katrina Redwood*

Both Jack and I walked towards the castle. I looked around, it's been well over 120 years I think. It's been so long, the castle hadn't changed a bit. We walked towards the castle and the maids let us in. Once we were inside, King Manny Moon was there, and 2 teens around 18 years of age. They must be the Princesses Elsa and Anna.

One of the princesses had strawberry blond hair, and the other had platinum blonde. Both girls stared at me in a serious expression but you could see them smiling slightly at me. King Manny was smiling warmingly at me and his eyes were very soft.

"Nice to see you again, King Manny." I said politely. Jack took my things and set them down. The platinum blonde Princess followed him with her eyes and looked very serious. The strawberry blonde Princess didn't mind as much.

"A pleasure to see you again too, Katrina. It has been well over 100 years." King Manny said and smiled kindly at me.

"These are my daughters, Katrina. My oldest, Elsa, was born 10 years after you left." King Manny said gesturing towards the platinum blonde Princess. She took a step towards me and curtsyed. I curtsyed back.

"Princess Elsa Moon." The platinum blonde Princess named 'Elsa' said. I smiled at her. She stared at me smiling just slightly but kept her face straight and poised. Elsa's eyes were a crystal icy blue that looked very deep.

"Katrina Redwood, at your service, Princess." I said to her and she seemed to have frown a bit but recomposed herself quickly.

"I have heard a lot from you these past 4 days, Katrina. Jack explained to me about...the reasons you left our world." Princess Elsa said glancing at King Manny for a bit.

"Jack has told me a lot about you too Princess. About both of you. By the way, congratulations on helping the Spirit World and being so brave." I said smiling at Princess Elsa.

"Thank you, Katrina." Princess Elsa said and took a step back, Jack went and wrapped his arm around her.

"This is my youngest daughter, Anna Moon." King Manny said to me. The strawberry Princess stepped towards me.

"Hello, I am Princess Anna." She said in a more cheerful voice. I smiled kindly at her and curtsyed, she curtsyed back.

"Katrina Redwood." I said to her and she nodded.

"Do you carry a particular gift?" Princess Elsa asked interested. I nodded.

"Fire." I said and I could see Princess Anna's face gleam with happiness.

"Although I am not sure how powerful I am since I haven't used my powers in a very long time." I said and Elsa smiled.

"You are too human." Anna said smiling at me in a weird kinda of smirking way.

"Excuse me?" I asked surprised. What did she mean too human?

"What she means, is that you have spent so much time around humans, your powers have dissolved along the way. Your powers are becoming weaker as long as you keep being around humans and acting like them all the time, while not using them at all." Elsa said in a chuckling voice.

"Oh, but can I get them back?" I asked and Princess Anna smirked.

"Of course. You will just need to flex them a bit." King Manny said. I wondered why it was just them three before since Jack hadn't talked about Queen Idun. After I asked him he told me how she had died and I decided to not talk about it now.

That's when 2 people entered the room smiling and laughing. They looked cute together. I recognized one of them instantly. Queen Solista of Enchancia, but I didn't recognize the guy. He looked to be slightly younger than her. This man had brown hair, brown eyes, and looked to be in his early 20's.

They both looked at me and Queen Solista smiled. Queen Solista immediately composed herself to Queen-like. She went beside Manny. The man went beside Elsa and Jack.

"Hello, Queen Solista, I am Katrina Redwood. An old friend of King Manny and Jack." I said formally.

"Yes, Jack has talked a lot about you." Queen Solista said and I looked at Jack, he just smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you, I am Katrina." I said and shook hands with the man with brown hair.

"Denmoore. Ryan Denmoore." The man named Ryan said. Wait a sec....Ryan? Weren't the Princesses with him and went by the names Riley and Ramyra? And faked being brother and sisters in the Human World?

"Aren't you...Pitch Black?" I asked curious and he seemed to wince a bit at that name. He just nodded.

"But he is not what everyone thinks he is." Queen Solista said quickly to me. I thought she hated Pitch Black, but she seems to defend him a lot.

"Anyways, welcome, Katrina. We hope you will have a great stay." King Manny said to me.

"Nice meeting you." Queen Solista said and walked off outside, she then stopped and looked back at Pi-...Ryan. Ryan looked at me and then at her and followed her outside.

"Would you like to get your powers strong once again?" Princess Elsa asked me. I thought about it, then nodded. What's the worst that could happen?

"Great. Anna shall teach you. We'll also have a new visitor in a day or two so...he might teach you too." Elsa said smiling.

"Good, then let's get started. We will go to the garden and don't worry, we won't burn anything. Elsa and Jack will be there just in case." Anna said and looked at King Manny.

"Is that alright father?" Anna asked him and he nodded.

"Just be careful with Jack and Elsa." King Manny said and walked off. We all walked outside to a garden, Jack and Elsa formed a huge crystal bubble around us, so the castle wouldn't get accidentally burned.

"Now....a comfortable pair of clothing to train." Anna said and she moved her hands and suddenly flames were around me, but they weren't hurt if me. Once they disappeared I was left in a comfortable red sports bra and black leggings.

When I looked up, she was wearog the same outfit. Elsa was wearing a blue dress and since she needed to prepare for any fire, she got herself a new outfit as well. Only water and ice cold air surrounded her and then disappeared in the air leaving her in a an icy oceanic blue sports bra and white leggings.

Jack lifted an arm and his staff came towards him, he seemed prepared as well as Elsa. We were all without any shoes.

"Without shoes, it will be easier to move. Trust me. Now, shoot me." Anna said standing with a hand on her hip. I widened my eyes a bit and she nodded in reassurance.

I made my hands both go up into the air and pushed my hands towards her a bit roughly. I could feel the energy through my veins, hot and sensitive. Fire errupted from my hands and shooted towards Anna.

Anna although still seemed to be in her placed, very calm. Once the fire was about 3 feet away from her, she raised her hands and moved it around her and back to me. I tried to block it but it still came towards me. I waited for the pain and yet it never came. I opened my eyes and saw Elsa had dissolved the fire with water and smoke was around the air a bit.

"Okay, we just need to work on that a bit." Anna said and walked back towards me. My face heated, I was blushing. I was terrible and I had just embarrassed myself in front of the most powerful Fire Bender and Ice Bender, the Princesses.

"It's okay, Katrina. When we started out our first times, we didn't quite have the power so don't worry, you'll get there. It might take time but you will."Elsa said kindly. I nodded at her.

Man, Anna turned that fire around easily, I thought this would be easy for me but apparently, this is going to be harder than I thought...

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