Chapter 81

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*Elsa Moon*

4 more days. Just 4 days away. I'm nervous like no one has ever been nervous! I have been so worried. The rings came and Anna has them safe and secure on a glass alarm safe box. I told her it would be fine but she insisted.

My dress has also been very supervised, with an alarm system that only opens to us girl's fingerprints. I swear, Anna is going over the top. I know she wants everything to be perfect.

The preparations are almoat finished, the only thing is that today they will finish putting the tables since there is a lot. Tomorrow and the day after after that, the florist will be putting and flowers. The day before the wedding will be final touches and the in the morning, the day of the wedding, the food will be placed.

Right now I'm at the spa with Anna. She has been trying to get me to relax, but I just can't. Im nervous and I'm stressed and I think this is the most important day of my life and I want it to be perfect but I just can't focus on anything.

"Els, calm down." Anna said as she laid there while they were massaging her feet.

"How'd you know?" I asked as the massaged my feet as well.

"I can see you tense. You're still nervous. Calm down, everything will be fine." Anna said as they placed the cucumber on her eyes.

"I'd like to see you on the day of your wedding. I'll see if you get tense or not." I joked and she laughed.

"No, I don't think I'll be that nervous." Anna said simply but smiled.

"You don't understand. It is the biggest wedding there has ever been around here. Everyone has been talking about it wondering about everything. Jack and I are the first ever couple non-royal to ever get married. Its too much pressure for me. Then with me in the future as Queen or Guardian, its a lot. Then there's Jack's job of guardian and I need to learn, then there's dad and his businesses and me needing to learn it as well, and-" I rambled on but Anna cut me off.

"Elsa, you're stressing too much." Anna said relaxing while I was tense.

"Okay. I can try to relax."I said and closed my eyes and sighed. I don't know at what time I did but when I opened my eyes, I was now on the massage table.

"Look who just woke up, sleeping beauty." I heard Anna's voice. She was sitting on top of a massage table.

"What? How long, have I been out?" I asked and she smiled.

"2 hours. Its okay, you were really stressed." Anna said and I felt like my body was limb and numb but in a comfortable and relaxing way.

"Oh, while you slept I ordered them to massage you deeply so you could relax, you really looked like you needed it." My sister said as she played with her robe strings.

"Thanks. It helped a little. I guess I was really tired." I said and sighed.

"Yeah, tell me about it Elsa. We needed to get those under eyes fixed. You haven't been sleeping much now have you?" Anna asked me serious and I shook my head.

"I told them to relax you and put you the mask and cucumbers. Just to fix those under eyes. You've been out ever since. They removed the mask and everything about 10 minutes before you woke up." Anna said as she put her hair up.

"I told you, I was nervous. I can't sleep at night." I said and got up and walked to the chair.

"Well, you are pretty beat. Plus, the wedding is in 4 days, it's too much for you sometimes." Anna said softly as she sat next to me.

"Princesses, would you like to have food service come?" A woman said and we nodded. She left and a few minutes later, 2 people came with trays full of different kinds of food.

"Thank you." Me and Anna said together and we started eating.

The rest of the day was spent in the spa, until I went to Paradise and saw that the tables were all being placed and the stage was being organized and placing the decorations. I saw the time and it was 9:45pm. 15 more minutes until curfew so I decided to let the workers go. I was 104 almost 105, I was so many years past the adult age that I talked to father and he lifted curfew for both Anna and me to 10pm.

I got on the stage and faced everyone. They all immediately looked at me.

"It is 9:45pm and I think that everyone can go home now. You may clean up and leave. Tomorrow I want you all here at 11am. That is all." I said and everyone started cleaning up. I walked out and went home on the carriage. I landed and it was 9:50pm. Dad was sitting on the couch reading a book.

I walked in and he looked at me.

"Where have you been?" He asked curious but remained calm.

"I've been in the Spa with Anna but she came straight home and then I went for a walk on the park and lastly went to tell the workers at Paradise they could go home." I said and sat down on the couch and sighed.

"Well, you are old enough and you came 10 minutes before so that's fine. What's wrong? Are you upset?" Dad asked as he set his book down. I knew today Jack had Guardian duties and he is sleeping at The North Pole today.

"No. Not upset. Nervous, anxious, tired, and more nervous." I said and looked at my father.

"Well, every wedding is stressing. Elsa, are you nervous because you're the first one to be married with the a non-royal?" He asked curious.

"How did you know?" I asked him and he smiled.

"I'm your father. I know you like the palm of my hand. You're nervous because this is a huge deal and you're the first one to be married with a non-royal." Dad said and I smiled.

"Yeah. I am. I'm just really nervous about how people will accept me. Will they look at me differently? Or will they be judgy about my choices." I said to my dad and he smiled.

"Elsa, there is always going to be someone there to judge you. There will be fights and disagreements all the time, but in your heart, you know you are making what is right for you." Dad said to me and hugged me.

"Dad, do you think that I will make a good queen someday?" I asked doubting myself.

"Of course you will. You are wise, and you fight for what you want. That doesn't make a good queen, that is what makes an excellent queen." Dad said to me and I smiled at him.

"Thank you father. I shall go to sleep now." I said getting up and he smiled.

"Good night, Elsa." Dad said and I smiled at him. "Good night, father." I said and walked upstairs to my room.

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