Chapter 98

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*Elsaira Moon*

It has been officially 2 days since we found the baby girl. Aunt Solista decided to take the baby girl with her and Ryan to Enchancia since today is the day I give birth to my baby. Aunt Solista started to name the baby girl 'Hope' because we had hope in finding her parents. The doctors took a DNA sample of her and it turns out she is indeed a Spirit, which is a good thing.

Many guards have been sent all over the Spirit World and all over the Human World to find the child's parents. Jack tried searching through the Moon globe to see if we could find them but they didn't come up. It's as if they don't exist at all.

Currently I'm in the Royal nurse room with hooked up wires and everything. I am relaxed and the nurse has been monitoring me since 5am today. We're waiting for my pains to kick in and my water to officially break by itself.

Anna has been here with me since Jack left for Guardian Duties in the morning. She's been doing my hair and is currently playing chess with me.

"Can we play something else? I'm tired of playing chess, I don't know how you enjoy it. Kristoff likes it as well but I just don't understand it." Anna said to me. I laughed and nodded.

"Here, let me help you." I said and was about to sit up to help her pack up the game but she stopped me.

"Oh no you don't. You are about to give birth and you don't need to help me. I can clean it up myself." Anna said as she put everything away quickly.

"Fine, what do you wish to do then?" I asked her curiously and she smiled deviously.

"Oh no, I know that look." I whispered and she smiled.

"I want to do your makeup." Anna said simply.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked confused.

"Your makeup. You can't give birth and look all crusty, as humans say." Anna said to me.

"But I'm giving birth not going to a fashion show." I said and she laughed.

"Oh dear sister, please? May I? I really wish to do your makeup. It will make you look beautiful in your first family picture." Anna said to me.

"Ugh fine. But go for a natural or nude look, don't start with your big smokey eye and big bold looks." I said to her and she nodded.

Anna left and came back a few minutes later with much of my makeup. She started to do my eyes and I sat still as we talked about our kingdoms and how things were going.

When she was finished, she started to talk about how to help my baby sleep, calm down, and simple tips like that. I suppose that it will help a lot.

The rest of the day was like that only that the pains didn't come, until.....

It was 6:28pm and Anna and I were watching a movie, that's when I felt my stomach starting to hurt. I felt slightly uncomfortable. That's when it happened.

"Umm Anna?" I said trying not to freak out.

"Yeah?" She asked as she watched the movie.

"You might wanna ring Jack.....I think my water just broke." I said and she looked at me immediately.

"How do you know? What do you feel?" Anna asked and in that moment, pain started to form in my stomach and legs. I let out a scream.

"Oh my goodness! Okay okay, just calm down, don't panick, just breath. I'll call Jack." Anna said as I pushed the button for the nurse.

Anna walked outside and the nurse came in.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she looked at the monitor.

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