Medows? Horses? Pools? What don't you people own!!!

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Hallo, meine Freunde! Ein weiteres Kapitel! Ja! Viel Spaß!

{Which is German for:: Hello, my friends! Another Chapter! Yes! Enjoy!}


Well, Plan A didn't work. So, on to Plan B....

At the moment, I'm completely desperate to get out of this- one way or another. I may not have ever had a...decent... boyfriend, but that didn't mean I was going to throw myself into a loveless marriage! I wasn't my Mother.

I wasn't prepared to sit there for years, doing nothing while I yearned for something else. That wasn't me. I was a fighter. I fought for my rights and I stood up for myself and everything I believed in. So this was no different. I just had too be wary now.

My Mother would know I had been to see Dad about that engagement by now, and she wouldn't be happy. It didn't matter if my parents hated each others guts; they seemed to be very talkative when it came too me and trouble of any kind.

I had a feeling Dad was getting some benifit from this situation, which would explain why he hadn't stormed into our house yet, demanding the deal be dropped.

I groaned, rolling onto my side to look at the clock. 5:59 am.
I groaned again as I heard my door swing open. Suddenly the lights were on and my Mother was standing by the door, hands on her hips.

"Get up, Emma. The Flynn's are arriving today. You have to pack, ready to move in this afternoon. Are we understood?"

I moaned, shoving my head into the pillow that was still warm from where my head had been lying.

"Get. Up." Mum said, walking away, her heels clicking on the floor boards. Seriously, who wears heels this early in the morning?!

I rolled to the left, feeling my blankets slip from my body, exposing it to the cold morning air. I shivered, slipping on my Slippers and jumper. I shuffled into the bathroom and turned on the hot water, as far as it would go, before walking back too my room.

I had too wait until the bath filled up anyways.

I pulled some jean shorts and a black singlet out of my cupboard (which didn't have any doors) and walked back into the bathroom. The bath was almost full. I turned the cold on, switching the hot off and closed the door.

I needed a good soak. I stripped and put my bare foot into the bath, hissing as my toes burned with the heat of the water. I slipped in, ignoring the burn of the water and let out a sigh. Today, was going to be a long... long day.

Plan B was soon going to be in full swing.


"Emma, hurry up! How long does it take to pack?!" My mother yelled from down the hall as she tapped her foot impatiently at the door, the keys clanging by her side.

"Well, it's not like I'm packing seventeen years into bags or anything!" I yelled back, sarcasm dripping from my voice. I rolled my eyes, chucking the duffel bag I had just finished filling to the side as I picked up the last empty one.

I had decided to take three bags today, and pick up the last tomorrow morning. It seemed like a good idea at the time....
In the last bag I put some old clothes which were paint and food stained; ripped and baggy. Perfect for my plan.

"Emma! I swear to god...!" Mum yelled.'

I zipped up my last bag, throwing it on the ground beside the other two I was leaving behind for now. I decided not to jump into Plan B until I scooped out the place and got too see what I was up against.

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