And you're sleeping on my bedroom floor because....??

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I left Aria's at three, a smile plastered on my face the whole way home. Aria had invited Logan over around lunch time (breakfast for Adam and I) and we'd sat around all afternoon eating, playing truth or dare and swimming in Aria's pool.

Adam and Rose had gone back to Adam's house, because (after much persuading) he thought it was time to intorduce Rose to his parents. A little rushed? Well, actually, she had met them before when they had lived nextdoor to me.

They had moved into the City when Adam had moved out. He was their youngest child, so that big house would have just been wasted on the two of them.

They left at about two, anyway. And Sky had left around two fourty-five. As you can probably guess, being alone with Logan and Aria is only bareable until they both start making out. Then you leave- and you run for the hills.

I pulled into the Flynn's driveway and swung myself out of the car. I shivered at the cool breeze, I mean I was still in shorts and a tank top from earlier today.

With a smile still on my face, threatening to crack my cheek bones with the force of it, I lept happily up the steps and into the house, which was unlocked. The moment I walked in, I was grabbed around the waist and hugged for dear life.

I sucked in a deep breath, struggeling to breathe. "Let- me-go!" I huffed, pushing at Mick's shoulders despreatly. He chuckled and stepped away.

"What was that for?"  I asked, my hands on my knees as I took in big gulps of oxygen.

"I'm gonna miss seeing this whole engagment thing plan out." Mick sighed, running his hands through his even shorter-than-before hair. I frowned.

"How are you gonna miss it?" I stepped around his and into the big kitchen, getting a glass from the top shelf and filling it with water.

"I got in, Em. I got in!" He crowed, jumping on the spot.

I laughed at his display of little-kid-ness. "Into what?"

He sighed and got up to sit on the bench. "Remember when I told you I wanted to join the Navy?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, yesterday, I finished my Ag course and I recieved a letter in the mail with my credentials and all that shit." He waved his hand dismissivly.

I nodded. "And?" I pressed, wondering what was going on.

Dispite only knowing Mick for less than Twenty-four hours, I liked him alot. I got that whole 'Older Brother' vibe from him. Sure I had an older brother, but he was never around, mainly cause he lived in Sydney most of the time. He had lived with us for awhile, but he was working strange hours all the time and was sleeping during the day. I was always sad that I didn't know my own brother better.

"And before I knew you, I had done my medical and training course and applied to join the Navy!" He cried happily. "I got in! I'm leaving tomorrow morning on the first flight outta here!" He cried again and enveploped me in a hug.

I hugged him back, but only half heartedly. Why is it that everyone always has to leave? I immediatly feel stupid about that. Why am I sad? I've only known him for a day? How can his leaving affect me so, when I haven't had time to know him yet?

I hug him properly, pissed with myself. I'm not sad. He's Mick. I haven't known him for long enough for the right to be sad.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead lightly. I smiled at the contact. It felt safe and like he was protecting me.

"What the hell, dude?" someone yelled, pissed off.

Mick pulled back and turned around. I looked over his shoulder. Then I smirked. Haha, this should be interesting.

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