Who invited the Bimbo?

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Mick left the next morning, bright and early. I had been sleeping, but according to Sam, who was sitting in front of me, a lovely steaming cup of tea in his hands, Mick had come in and kissed my cheek, leaving a note on my pillow. Which was now missing....

I grinned greatfully at Sam, taking the tea and gulping down a large mouthful of the hot liquid. I opened my blurry eyes, ignoring the pounding in my head and hugged him slightly. Oh yes, I was very hung over...

"So," Sam said. Well, screamed actually. It sounded like he was yelling in my ear while banging cymbols and sounding a blow horn all at once. I girmanced, and he softed his voice. "Mum told me to tell you to sober up, because you and Chase are going "BONDING" today..." He made quotation marks around bonding, smirking at me.

I groand, falling back into my pillows, my now empty tea cup rolling out of my hands. "I'm too tired...!" I huffed. Trust Rebecca to tell me we would end up getting a divorce anyway, then turn around and try and make us bond....! "Tell Rebecca I'm not going!"

Sam laughed, getting up. "Alright, but she won't be happy. She also said something about the river..." Sam trailed off, confused and tapped his chin.

I sat up immdediatly at those words, making my head spin. I held back the urge to vomit as I got up and grabbed Sam desperatly by the shoulders. "I'll be down in a minute!" I told him, jerking my head towards the open door.

He waved a hand in front of his face, wincing. "Your breath stinks!" He muttered, backing away, serious. "What did you have?!"

I laughed, marching towards my closet. "That, my friend. Is the smell of Vodka, Bailey's and possibly Jack Daniels."

He frowned. "What?"

I laughed again. Gosh, he was so cute! I want one! "Alcohol, Sammy."

"Ugh!" He said, pinching his nose again. "I'm never drinking! NEVER!" He yelled, marching out of my room.

I winced as the sound of his voice was amplified by 60000 X. That's what we all say, Sammy, that's what we all say...

When Rebecca and I had had a very long conversation- the madatory "What I expect..." conversation- she had mentioned that she wouldn't allow me to sleep in past twelve. If I did, she threatened to go and get cold water from  the river behind the house, come into my room and pour it all over my head...

Needless to say, I set my alarm on the weekend.

I slipped into a pair of material shorts that came up to mid-thigh and a red singlet, skipping down the stairs and into the kitchen. I passed Sam and Jake, ruffeling their hair in turn as I walked to the pantry and pulled out a tea bag, desperate to pump caffine into my body.

I was feeling better, but I could still feel the effects of the alcohol coursing through my body. I took a massive gulp of the scalding liquid, fighting a grimance as it scorched my throat on the way down.

Pheonix walked in, not wearing a shirt. He was built, probably more so than Chase, but oddly enough I didn't feel the need to run my hands over his abs.. or too drool.

Wow... How much had I drunk last night?! I felt my forehead, worried. What was wrong with me?

Then Chase walked in, without a shirt, and I felt my knees go weak. Okay, now I know I have a problem...

"Moring Sunshine." Chase muttered, his trade-mark smirk adorning his face. "Excitied for school tomorrow?"

I shurgged. It was school. We had exams... Oh yes, I was stoked.

Apparently, Chase and Pheonix had already finished they're HSC at they're last school, but they wanted to do a couple of four month courses our school offered, hence why they were going, or so Rebecca had said.

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