Baby Mumma Explodes

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It's a deep stabbing pain, like you've never felt before. It wiggles it's way futher and further into your body, until it's eating you from the inside out. A gaping hole is left- where it has removed your heart and shredded it into tiny pieces before your eyes.

People who have not felt it before, can not truly descirbe it. Those who have wish not to, because it just brings it all back again.

It sucks your breath away, leaving you gasping ike a fish out of water. Clutching at life with the skin of your teeth, you attempt to pull yourself up, off the cliff you seem to have fallen down.

Your whole bodies numb, and you feel like a zombie. Each movement is pained and slow. Each smile is not full and lacking. Each word is dry and cracked. Every step you take forward, sends you another step backwards; sliding back to where you've come from.

"Come on, Em, you've got to eat something."

Hot chicken soup, I can smell it. Even though my mind is screaming at me to eat something, the very notion causes my stomach to flip and the bile to rise in my throat.

I've spent the last week bent over a toilet, breathing deeply as I gag up nothing but heart break.

My nights are filled with the re-runs over his leaving; of everything that was said, of where I went wrong. And each re-playing is just as painful as the first.

"I'm not hungry."

Rose sighs, sliding the cooling soup onto the night stand and removing my untouched breakfast. "Okay."

She brushes hair out of my eyes, replacing the cool towel on my forehead. She's trying to break the fever, I think. I can't even remember if I let her in or not.

The door opens. "How is she?" Aria.

"Not good. Better, but not good."

Aria sighs, her voice heavy with worry. I hate to be the one to do that to her, but I can't help it. I have no idea how to deal with how I'm feeling, and curling up in bed like this is as close as I can get to being okay again.

"Has she eaten?"

"Recently? Not since yesterday morning, if I'm correct."

Has it really been that long? A whole twenty-four hours of nothingness has past in the blink of an eye.

"I'm calling Sky, then. It's been a week, Rose, it can't go on any longer."

The door closes as both my friends disappear down the stairs and into the hall.

The house is so empty without him, so lifeless and mundane. I miss him. Does he miss me?



Heartbreak. I know it's what I'm feeling now. The stabbing pain in my chest is overwellming.

I feel like I'm drowning. Everything is numb; every word is muted to my ears; every silence is painful and everlasting. This could be death.

I never thought I'd feel this way. I always assumed I'd make people feel this way for the rest of my life. I wanted to be that guy that would go around breaking hearts, but how I could wish this upon anyone, I wouldn't know.

"Come on, man. Get up."

Pheonix. I have to say, he's not only my cousin anymore, he's my bestfriend.

Drew hadn't understood my pain, he'd told me she was just one girl and that I'd get over it.

But I wouldn't get over it. She wasn't just one girl! She was Emma, and she was my wife and I love her.

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