Why are there so many god-damned names?!

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ATTENTION: Read the Author's Not at the end! Very important!!!

Anyways, enjoy!!


"I like Matthew." I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, well, I don't, so we're not naming our kid Matthew." Chase protests, crinkling his face in disgust at the name.

"Ugh!" I groan, leaning back into the plush leather couch.

We'd been at this for at least an hour now. I planned to just pick out ten names (Five boys, Five girls) so that when this baby was born, we could choose from them. I was certain it would be a simple fifteen minute exercise. Apparently not. I mean, why are there even that many god-damned names!!!???

"Well, we can discuss this later, then. We're late for Liam's birthday party." I huffed, my eyes raking the paper titled "Baby Names" in front of me. So far, there were two names on there.

Kara for a girl. And Ben for a boy. Both of which I love. Chase likes them, but he's hell bent that if it's a boy, he'll have a manly name, or some crap like that.

"Right, well." Chase slams that baby book closed, getting up from the couch beside me. "I'll grab our coats, and come back and get you." His eyes dance with amuesment for two reasons; one being that he knows I can't get up from the couch anymore and two; because he always makes me sit on the couch just so I can struggle out of it.

I roll my eyes at him, forcing the smile back. "Yeah, yeah. Hurry up will you. I have to pee."

Chase laughs as he walks away. "Again?!" He groans.

"Yes again!" I snap in mock anger. "Your son is pushing on my bladder, the little bastard."

Chase peeks his head around the door frame to the kitchen. "Did you just call our child a bastard?" He frowns at me.

I laugh. "He's a bastard because he's pushing on my bladder, thats all. Really, I love him." I nod my head, plastering a fake smile on my face and giving Chase a cheesy thumbs up.

He chuckles, pulling me to my feet carefully, like I might break. I roll my eyes again, waddeling off the the bathroom for the third time in the last hour. What can I say, my son/daughter knows how to kick... or punch... or... headbutt? either way, they're definatly targetting my bladder.

Chase and I don't want to know the sex of the baby. I don't anyways, because I want it to be a surprise. Like when you open a Christmas present, but you already know what it is? I mean, getting the present is the best bit, because they'res not surprise at all.

I want to be surprised. I want to be excitied and picturing a future with my baby when it arrives, not before hand.

Rose is definatly pregnant too. Definatly. And guess what, she's carrying twins. Twins. And she's a twin. It's kinda creepy, really. Anyways, she knows the sexes, but Adam doesn't want to know anything, and always leaves the room when we decide to talk about the babies.

She's having twin boys. She's been trying to pick out names, but it's difficult when the daddy has no idea what the children are. When Adam is suggesting gorgeous girls names, Rose has to play along, nodding and smiling, even though in the end the girls names will be thrown out the window.

"So, who are we picking up from the Airport?"

I look over at my husband, rolling my eyes for the millionth time today. "We're picking up Megan Pignat from the airport in ten minutes, pretty boy." I laugh as Chase glares at the use of the nickname.

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