Something isn't right....

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We all groaned loudly, Sky pinching the bridge of her nose as her Dad clamber onto the stage, clearly just slightly tipsy. "Well," he grunted, yanking the mic from its stand. "I can't say I was overly happy when I was told my daughter was marrying that hooligan over there." he pointed to Pheonix, who shrugged, unsure of how to react.

"I own a GUN!" Geoff yelled into the Mic, which apparently didn't like because it made that high-pitched screaming sound, like nails on a chalk board. "You here me, MR. FLYNN! I OWN A GUN!" He chuckled to himself. "I know where you live." He whispered in an eeire voice, causing everyone to erupt with laughter.

"OKAY!" Sky yelled, clapping her hands together, holding back a laugh. "Mum, can you..." She snorted loudly, giggling uncontrollably, the rest of us joining in a Geoff continued ranting about being a Cop and owning a gun. "can you please... just," She laughed again, covering her mouth with her hands. "Get him off the stage."

Next, It's Pheonix's turn. I can tell he's nervous by the way he pulls at his clothes, like he's trying to adjust them perfectly. He takes the mic in his hands, which are trembling. I've never seen him so nervous.

"Well," He says, his voice shaking a little as the hall goes quiet. "I had a whole speech writen out, and I must say it was pretty damn good. But, I forgot it." The hall laughs quietly before settling back into a comfortable, expectant silence.

Pheonix clears his throat. "So I wrote a totally new speech... on paper towel." More laughter. He clears his throat again, loosening his tie. "Sky, I remember the day we met. You were beating the shit out of Chase." Sky blushes, hanging her head as the hall laughs. "Emma made me drag you off him, but really, I wanted to see the rest of the fight."

"Your my everything, Sky. Everyday is an adventure, because I'm with you. I want you by myside forever. We'll raise our kids together, we'll love eachother to the end of our days, and I really don't care what happens, as long as your safe and in my arms every night. I love you."

Sky, at this point, is bawling her eyes out silently beside me. Getting up from her chair, she climbs up onto the stage, Liam toddling along behind her on his one year old legs. Reaching Pheonix, she pulls him into her embrace, burying her face in his chest as he hugs her back.

Liam watches for a moment before walking up and hugging both his parents legs in his tiny grasp. I snap the photo quickly, a smile breaking across my face. Chase, whose sitting behind me, also mesmerised by Sky and Pheonix's family, places his hand across my stomach, where the baby proceeds to kick his hand lightly.

Smiling, he kisses me. "I love you." He says.

I smile at him, watching as Sky picks up Liam, spinning him around and around on the stage while he giggles. "I love you too."

Cheers rise in the hall and I turn to watch Pheonix and Sky kiss, Liam squealing as he's caught between there embrace happily.


"Sit down." Chase says angirly as I stand once again.

"No." I snap, stretching.







He sighs loudly, tossing the washing onto the ground, where I glare at it. "Thats getting dirty, now." I huff as he picks me up bridal style, which I'm surprised he can still do given I'm exactly nine months pregnant.

Huffing loudly under my weight, Chase turns around, walking me back into the lounge room, because I know he can't possibly carry me up the stairs to our room. Laying me carefully on the couch, he squeezes in beside me, draping his arms over my stomach.

"Why haven't you... you know, yet?" he asks after a couple of minutes.

I laugh lightly. "What, given birth?"

He nods his head, looking thoughtfully at me, clearly waiting for an answer. "Um, I dunno, I guess the baby just doesn't want to come out yet." I say, because I really don't know. I can't ask anyone. I'd ask my mum, but after she showed up at Sky and Pheonx's house, piss blind drunk, I'd sent her into Rehab for being an alcoholic.

I'd ask Rebecca, but she is a few hours drive away, looking after Liam, and I hate calling, especailly at this time of night.

I shrug again, worry growing in the pit of my stomach. Then suddenly, I feel it. The rush of liquid between my legs, and the gripping pain in my abdomen. I gasp loudly and Chase sits up, eyes wild with fright. "What is it?" He asks, his eyes roaming my face.

I grip my stomach again as the pain subsides. "Well, I think the baby heard what we said." I mumbled. "Because he's decided to make an appearence."

Chase nods, rushing up to the bedroom to get the bag I've had packed for weeks. Returning, he has the phone to his ear, calling for a cab. I sit on the couch, looking at the floor. Somethings wrong. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach. Something isn't right.

We rush to the hosiptal, the cabby probably driving faster than is allowed. I don't think he wants me to give birth in his cab. Every few minutes the contraction starts again, but they aren't right. I can barely feel them. Sky was screaming and cursing, and I can sit there, only making a face at the slight piercing pain.

Something isn't right.

We pull into the hospital, Chase helping me out of the car, shooting me strang glances as I walk beside him, barely talking.

Something isn't right.

I'm in a wheel chair, being taken into the birthing suit.

Something isn't right.

The doctor examines me, says I'm ready to go already, which she says happens sometimes.

Something isn't right.

There's barely any pain. Barely any feeling. I can tell the doctors are worried. Chase is holding my hand, but he needent bother, because theres no pain. None at all.

Something isn't right.

Blood, lots of it. More than there should be. They're all panicing now, racing around the room, yelling orders to eachother. But I can barely hear them. I feel like I'm under water, listening as people talk above me.

Something isn't right.

Black spots appear in my vision, dancing across my eyes. This isn't meant to be happening,  I know that much. Each spot is joined by another, until it's so dark I can only make out shapes.

"Emma! Somethins happened to her! Help!" Thats chase. God I love him. I feel him tugging on my hand, begging me to wake up. But I can't. I'm drifting off somewhere. All i know is that I'm not dying. Not yet. But something is happening to me.

Something isn't right.


Yes, well. I had to knock some things out of the road, because, guess what?!

Only about two or three chapters left people!!!!!


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