I really should be doing my English assignment...

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"He's gorgeous, just like his mummy!" I cooed as Liam grasped my index finger in his fist. He was lying on his back on a soft blue blanket on my living room floor. Sky, being the tired mother that she was, was barely awake, sprawled out on the couch, her feet hanging off the end.

"Hmmm..." She mumbled, by way of acknowledgment.

I laughed slightly, tickling Liam's round belly with my fingers. Already a month old, the little baby was giving both his parents grey hairs. Pheonix was working an extra shift at the Garage with Chase, then going to Uni to study in the afternoons. He wants to get his degree as fast as he can... that or start earning enough money for a baby sitter.

Sky on the other hand, doesn't want Liam to be baby sat. She doesn't want to miss a moment with her gorgeous little boy.

"Hey, Sky. Sam and Jake's sixteenth is coming up." I say randomly, trying to keep my friend from falling asleep.

"When was they're fifteenth?" She asked, eyes still closed, her eyebrows rising.

"Um..." I trail off. I know I missed it, and I sent them both a present. I think. "I have no idea. Last year."

Sky scoffs, rolling onto her stomach to roll her eyes at me. "No shit."

I grin, laying down beside her baby, who was blowing bubbles out of the corner of his mouth. I sigh, putting my arms behind my head. "Yeah, amazing. Did you know that the people with the most birthday's live the longest?"

Sky gasps, a smile spreading across her tanned face. "Nah, really?"

We both burst out laughing, lapsing into an easy silence, Liam between us.

The door opens quietly, Chase poking his head around the corner, a soft grin on his face. "Hi." He mouths, his eyes drifting to the snoozing Liam, then to Sky before coming to a rest on my face.I smile brightly back at him, my heart beating faster. He loves me. He loves me. I don't think I'll ever get over that. He loves me. He loves me.

Sky looks him up and down, a small smile gracing her lips. She still doesn't like Chase, even more so since the whole fight thing. I think she's just wary around him, and doesn't want me to get hurt. I admire the fact that she's looking out for me, but really, I made the choice to forgive him. I tried to explain it all to her.

I need him. He's practically my air these days. I asked her if she would forgive Pheonix, and she replied that that was a different situation, since they had a baby together.

"How was work?" I asked, stepping into the kitchen as Sky started to talk to Liam, rubbing his belly with her hands.

Chase smiled at me, sending me his lop-sided grin. "Good. How was school?" He kissed my nose, walking to the fridge and opening a can of beer. He's been doing that a lot lately, I don't question it, because really, what can I say?

"Amazing." I gush, remembering the Ivory buildings, parks, flower beds and the tiny coffee shops. "It was so cool. It's nothing like high-school. Everyone is so.... mature. And they carry around books and drink coffee and actually shower!"

Chase laughs, pulling me into a warm hug. "I'm glad you liked it, baby." He whispers, kissing my neck once before making his way into the living room. "I'm going to play COD, wanna join?"

I laughed. "Black Ops?"

"Naturally." he laughs back, sculling the rest of his beer.

Sky picks up Liam, wrapping him tightly in his blue blanket. "We're gonna go.." She sighs lightly, hugging me side on.

I kiss my little god child on the head, patting Sky's back in a friendly way, before joining Chase on the living room couch. He slids the Black Ops disk in and passes me a controller, a sly smile on his face. "I'm going to beat you this time."

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