Five boys, a pool, a video camera, two dogs and one mean, prick of a Fiance....

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I practically had too push My mother out the door. I could feel her trying to grip the door frame as I giggled like an idiot, my head buried in her back as I pushed against her.

"Mum!" I laughed, my eyes watering like crazy. "Leave already!"

She laughed too, gripping the door frame with her nails. "Nooooo" she wailed like a four year old. "Please, please, please let me st- AHHH!"

She screamed as her hands slipped and we both toppled out the door, landing in a heap on the deck. I was in stitches, trying to breath as I laughed. Rebecca laughed behind us, caught up in the fun of our antics.

"Fine, fine, I'm going." Mum huffed, standing and straigtening out the crinkles in her jacket. "Bye, hon."

I nodded my good bye, watching as she went from the Mum I loved to Corprate Mum- a workaholic who just sold her daughter too the highest bidder. In reality, I was saying goodbye too that mum, that fun-loving, completely insane mum. I didn't know when I'd see her again.

"Alright!" Rebecca clapped her hands together, a grin spreading across her sun-kissed face. "Lets go meet them. You want to put on your swimmers before we go to see them? They're out by the pool."

I nodded, racing up stairs to my room.

I rang the first person I could think of, my heart pounding. Should I go with Rose and Aria's plan and be sexy? Should I start now?

"Hey, this is Aria, I can't answer the phone right now...."

I groaned. Damn it! Who could I call now?

I whacked my palm against my forehead, thinking as I paced my room (which, by the way, I'd never get used too!) I stopped, picturing a little light bulb flickering on above my head.

I hit 3 and pressed call, thanking god that I'd put all my friends on speed-dial along time ago.

"SKY!" I crowed into the phone, fist pumping the air because she'd answered.

"Sup, Em?" She asked. She was eating something, I could hear her rummaging through a packet.

"Can you stop eating for a second and help me here? I'm dying!"

Sky laughed, pushing the packet away. "What's happened this time? Whose arse do I need to kick?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "No one. Look, did Aria tell you the change of plans?"

"What? Oh, yeah, I got the text, like, an hour ago. Do you think it will work?"

"I dunno!" I threw my hands up in air. "No, personally, I don't. I can see shit happening and... That's beside the point though!"

"Calm your farm!" Sky mutters on the other end, holding back a laugh.

"My farm is calm!" I say, pouting, even though she can't see me. I throw open the duffel bag with my swimmers in it and rummage through, listening to Sky laughing on the other end. "Anyways, Rebecca's going to introduce me too her son's and they're in the pool. And I want too know if I should meet them, then act like myself by getting in the pool, or flip them off and go back inside and if I-"

"Wait!" Sky yells, cutting me off. "Did you say son's? As in Plural!?"

I laugh. Of course that was the only thing she picked up out of that whole speil. "Yes, Sky. Son's as in Plural."

"Oh. My. God." Sky says on the other end. "I'm coming over! Now!"

"Sky no!" I cry, hoping she heard me and didn't hang up. "Not today. Tomorrow. I just need help with this little thing!"

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