I'm only me, when I'm with you!

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"Shh, guys." Chase whispered, attempting to quieten his brothers. Sam and Jake stuck the finger up at him, straightening their ties.

Tonight, all the Flynn boys looked amazing in their black tuxedos and ties. Dylan had a video camera in his hand as always; Sam and Jake were placing bets on who would get drunk at the reception and hook up; Chase was trying to shut them all up and I was trying not to cry.

Rose was clutching Adam's arm as she adjusted her dress, pulling at the ties nervously. Aria slapped her hand away, chiding her, although the minute Rose looked away, she'd do the same. I checked my watch, nodding for Rose, Adam, Aria and Logan to follow me.

We departed, leaving the rest of our familes to look after themselves. Which might not have been a good idea. Chase kissed me goodbye and I hurried down the carpet, followed swiftly by the others. The tent was packed with various people from my family, the Flynn's and Pheonix's mother and father, who I had only just met for the first time today.

"I'm not ready for this... Look how fat I am!" Rose whispered in panic, rubbing her hands over her 9-month- pregnant belly. I scoffed at her, putting my hand over my equally large stomach.

"Stop complaining," Aria snapped in mock annoyance. She shoved us lightly. "Get into position, people, we don't have all day."

I rolled my eyes at her as Aria and Logan stepped into line behind Adam and Rose, who were behind me. Chase wasn't my partner this time, because I had the honor of having little 1 year old, Liam Flynn as my partner. His hair had gone curly in the last six or so months and they bounced on his head with every movement.

Much to his mother's annoyance, Liam had developed dimples soon after his first birthday, just like Pheonix had. Sky had always wanted dimples because she had been the only one in her family that didn't have them. And now she was the only one in both her families that didn't have them. She was pissed.

I gripped the little boys hand, squatting down on my haunches so that I was only slightly taller than him. "Mummy?" He asked, his voice high and sweet sounding, like honey to the ears.

"You'll see her in a minute, sweetie." I told him, kissing his forehead lightly as I adjusted his adorable toddler tux. "You just have to hold my hand, okay?"

He nodded his head and offered me a heart-melting smile. Yes, this child would definatly be a player.

A light song on piano started up and I stood, gripping Liam's chubby little hand in mine. "Ready?" I asked him, looking down. Looking up at me, he nodded, gripping the end of my black dress with his other hand.

Together was marched out, everyone watching us. Chase smiled at me as I walked passed him and I blew a kiss at Dlyan, who gave me a cheeky wink in return. Taking my place opposite Pheonix, I kissed  his cheek too, moving  over to make room for Rose and Aria, who soon joined me.

"She's beautiful." Rose whispered to us, and Aria and I turned, watching as Sky walked towards us so gracefully it was like she was floating.

Her dress floated around her ankles, fitting her perfectly. Her hair was tied up in a perfect bun, strands of hair hanging loose on purpose, but it looked perfect on her. She was smiling like an idiot, a blush rising to her tanned cheeks. She was beautiful.

After the music stopped, Rose, Aria and I spent the next half hour bawling our eyes out. By the end of it, I was sure I looked like a racoon, my mascara running down my face.

"Congradulations man," Chase laughed, man-hugging his cousin as Pheonix fought to stop the tears himself.

"Yeah." He looked down the alise at Sky, who was dancing to the music my cousins were playing with Liam, who was giggling and laughing as his mum twirled him around. "She's perfect, you know what I mean?"

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