Heartbreak is a b*tch

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It's 5 20 AM.

5 20 AM. And Chase is no where to be seen.

I fold my legs under my body and sigh in frustration, sinking further into the soft white leather. I let it envelope me tightly, like a hug; because the person I usually hug has decided not to come home! In my mind, I'm thinking rationally.

That he's probably caught up with the guys and is having a few beers; that he's just crashed at Sky and Pheonix's house; that he's with Drew (his bestfriend from HS) or that he's out clubbing or some crap like that.

But in my gut, it's telling me all that is wrong. All of it. He's not out clubbing with friends, he hasn't crahed at Sky and Pheonix's house, he's not with drew. My guts telling me, he's with a girl.

My gut is 99.99% sure that he's our having sex with some bimbo, just cause I don't feel like we're there yet for having sex. I mean, I was going to give in, jesus.

Bet you $400 that he's with a girl.

"I can't bet myself!" I tell the voice in my head.

The voice chuckles. So? Bet me!

"Ha. No. He's not with a girl... he's out... somewhere." I rack my brains for a place he could be that doesn't end with him going home and banging some girl. Unfortunatly, none come to mind. "Besides!," I huff to myself, crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't have that kind of money."

Another twenty minutes pass and after my alarm clock has gone off, telling me it's the time i'm supposed to be waking up, I sigh, peel myself off the chair and head down the cold hallway to bed. Screw Chase, he can sleep on the couch!

I flick the lock behind me as I close the bedroom door. There is no way he's going to wake me up just so he can get into bed.


I stumble out of bed at 10.00 AM and make a bee-line for the kitchen so I can pump my over-tired body with caffine. I push the twenty million year old kettle under the tap, filling it with hot water so it will boil faster.

I scream, dropping the kettle as a loud groan echos around the kitchen. The hot water splashes up my bare legs and I hiss in pain, sprinting into the bathroom. I fill the bottom of the bath with cold water and sink into it, groaning with relief as the water hits my burnt legs.


It was Chase. Damn it, I knew he'd come home eventually. I just didn't expect to burn myself when I found this out.

He pushes open the bathroom door, rubbing his eyes with a small pout of his plump pink lips. I resist the urge to melt internally at the adorable/ hot sight.

"Where were you?" I ask casually, trying to keep the hurt out of my voice. I splash more water over my legs, making it trickle over the bad burns.

Chase sighs, turning the tap on and putting the plug in. He searches through the cupboard above the Vanity and eventually produces the medicine for burns that you put in water. Crushing the tablet between his fingers, he sprinkles it into the water, sitting down beside the bath, so we're face to face.

He dips his fingers in the water, moving the tablet around so it starts fizzing. My bruns start to sting and I hiss quietly, lifting my legs up out of the water. Chase frowns, forcing my legs below the water again.

As his hand touches my leg, I ignore the slight spark of energy that runs along my skin like a flame.

I push his hand off when he leaves it there, still angry. "What?" He huffs, pouting again.

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