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Sorry guys, this isn't a chapter, but it is a sneak peek of the Sequal!!!


P.S- I'm not giving away anything other than this, so have fun guessing what's gonna happen next!!


"Don't you touch her!" Lucas screamed, ripping the guy off of Kara, who slide down the wall, trembling like a leaf.

As Lucas pulled the guy back, he brought his knee up, smashing it into his nose, pushing him into the ground. Standing over him, Lucas aimed a kick into the guys ribs, his eyes completly crazed. "Don't you touch her!" He screamed at the guy again, jabbing his heel into the guys side.

The guy groaned, rolling away from Lucas, swearing under his breath. Obviously not satisfied, Lucas pulled him up off the ground, fisting his collar in his hands. "Have I made myself clear?" He snarled.

The guy nodded and Lucas shoved him again, sending him sprawling across the grass. Turning on his heel, he looked at Kara, who had managed to get to her feet while Lucas had been pounding the guy into the ground.

"What is wrong with you!?" Kara snapped, watching as the guy high-tailed it out of there, running off in the other direction. "You could have killed him!"

Lucas grunted at her angrily. "Hey, I just saved your life!" he snapped.

Kara glowered at him. "I was handeling it!" She screamed at him, her throat hurting with the exertion. She wipped her face with the palm of her hand. "I don't need your help, Lucas."

He was about to reply before Kara cut him off with her hand. "You know, you need to hurry up and decide if your my friend or not..." She shook her head, trying to clear it as she picked her bag up off the ground, where the guy had tossed it, not moments ago. "Because I can't take this... shit anymore, understand me!"

Lucas frowned at her, his dark eyes brooding. "I'm not your friend, Kara." He said, stepping closer and closer to her, until he had her between him and the wall, with no way out. "And I never will be."

She humphed loudly, turning her head to the side angrily. He leaned in closer so that his breath danced against her skin, causing goosebumps to rise where it touch her.  "But I might be more.." he whispered, pushing off the wall.

Eyes wide with realisation at his words, Kara whipped her head around, watching as he smirked over his shoulder at her, walking away and into the inky blackness. Grumbling, Kara turning in the other direction, marching back towards the dance hall, where the music and lights were coming from. She had to give Cherry and Anna an update- Now.

This was so not apart of the plan.


So, what do you think?

I know it kinda sounds like the other guy was raping her, but he wasn't, so don't worry. There's a paln behind the whole thing, which of course is master minded by Kara, Cherry and Anna. :P Hope it got you wanting more!!




If you liked this, Please Vote or Comment. I don't know if I am doing a sequal yet, it depends on the responce. If you think you need more to decide if a Sequal is a good idea, I'll post another Sneal Peek after the epiolgue of Engaged to You!

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