Holding You Close

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Okay, so I had massive amounts of writers block this week, which is why this is as short as it is. I'm really sorry about it and I'll work on it later. The next chapter will be longer than this.


The TV crackled as a storm broke out above us, the raining pouring out of the clouds. The picture jumped around violently as thunder rumbled over head. It stopped, the picture returning to normal, and the News Program resuming.

'Returning to our top stories now:

Newly wed Kate and Will are talking babies. The couple say that they haven't ruled out the possibility of getting pregnant this year, but they are yet to fully discuss the matter together.'

I sighed, leaning back into the leather couch, seeking warmth. Who really cared if Kate and Will wanted to have children or not? They're wedding was amazing, I'll give them that, but I really didn't want to know about this side of they're life.

I groaned, looking at the clock- 11:49pm. Time for bed, I thought, working up to the idea of getting up from such a comfortable position.

I reached for the remote to turn the TV off when the News Headline caught my attention. 'Yesterday, at St. Peter's Catholic Cathedral, the Golden Couple of Austraila's Buisness world tied the knot.'

I sat up strighter. It was just a coincidence that thats where Chase and I got married yesterday, right?

'Chase Flynn, eldest son of Rebecca and Ian Flynn- owners of 'Flynn Fast-Fly Shipping', married Emma Gibson yesterday afternoon. Sources say that the couple are deeply in love and had wanted to get married from the very beginning of the relationship.

Apparently, Ian and Rebecca held off the Marriage until both of the Children left High-school.

We'll be keeping an eye on this couple from now on. Something tells me, we're going to be hearing a lot about them in the near future. I'm Chasity Barker, Goodnight'

The TV went black and I numbly hit the off button on the remote. Wait, what?

My body went into over drive and I jumped to my feet, sprinting up the stairs and running towards Chase's room. Without knocking, I barged in, slamming the door behind me, just as the lights spluttered, the power going out.

Lightning lit up the room, showing me that I had a clear path to Chase's bed, where he was sprawled, shirtless, on his back, breathing heavly.

"Chase?" I whispered, creeping closer to him. "Chase, wake up!"


I reached his beside, grasping his shoulder and shaking him violently. He groaned, rolling onto his side so that he was facing me. His snoring started up again and I realised he was still out cold. I grinned to myself, sneaking closer to him, I leaned down so that my warm breath washed across his face. I thanked god right then that I had brushed my teeth not twenty minutes ago.

I leaned to his ear. "Chase." I cooed seductivly.

He groand again, but didn't move, his snoring becoming lighter. I chuckled, leaning over and kissing his chin softly.

His eyes snapped open and he looked up at me, confusion clear on his face. "Emma? What the hell?" He mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

I knelt down beside his bed. "Chase, we were on the news." I said lightly.

"Huh...." Was his intelligent answer.

"Chase, our wedding was on the news and the reporter says that they'll be 'Watching' us closely." I told him.

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