Speechless and Running Scared

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  • Dedicated to TheBloodyRose191- Cause she inspires me...

The lights shine, breaking the darkness up. Screams can be heard as you trudge up the hill. Your heart beats fast in anticipation, and a light sheen of sweat breaks out across your skin. As you reach the crest of the hill, your eyes open wide, taking in the lights and the people; the stores and the smell of food.

I grab Chase's hand. practically running down the hill like a dog straining on a leash. "Hurry up!" I squeal excitedly as we approuch the Show. I run and jump into the line at the enterence, jiggeling my leg impaitenly. "Hurry, hurry, hurry..." I say loudly, glancing around the line.

Chase grabs me around the waist, pulling me backwards into his chest. He stoops a little, putting his chin on my shoulder. "Shhh...Emma." He laughs in my ear. "It's not going anywhere!"

I huff, blowing a strand of loose hair out of my eyes, tapping my foot on the ground. "So? I want to go on the rides!" I pout, turning my head to look at him.

He laughs, his eyes lingering on my lips. Suddenly he lets go, putting his arm out passed me. I realise he's handing the Twenty dollar entry fee to the worker and rush on through, gazing up at the lights and rides like a little kid in a candy store.

"Pick one." He says, gesturing to all the rides around me.

I grin. "We're going on the Whizzer..." I laugh. Chase pales, groaning a little and holding his stomach like he's gonna throw up.

"Aww.." He complains, but follows me anyway.

Lucky for me, the line is short. Chase grumbles about this the whole time, saying he's gonna be sick. I slap his arm and tell him that he needs to grow some balls and buck up. He laughs at this, pulling me onto the ride, a smile on his face.

Half way through the ride, Chase lets go of the handle bars, causing me to go crashing into his side. He pulls me closer, hiding his face in my hair as I continue to scream at the top of my lungs, my hair whipping around our faces. I barely even register that he's hanging onto me.

In the next  three hours, we go on the Whizzer three times, the bumper cars twice, the Swing's twice and the Roller Coaster once. By the end of that, we're practically dead on our feet, but Chase insists on playing some of the games at the stalls.

After he drags me around to about fifty stalls, both of us faling to win anything but lollies, we stumble over to one of those dart games and pay the greasy man behind the counter. "Two games, please." Chase mumbles, yawning loudly. It's then I realise that it's about 10.30 PM.

The greasy man smiles at us, handing us each five darts. "Hit the Bullseye once, you get a Candy Bar. Twice, a slinky and a Candy Bar. Three times a small Teddy bear. Four times a Big teddy bear. Five times, $100."

Chase laughs. "This'll be easy as." he says, puffing out his chest as he takes aim with his first dart.

 I laugh at the Dart misses completely, digging into the ground at the base of the target. he pouts, his eyes going wide. He glances at me, and tries again. Same result. And again. And Again. And again. Nothing. All the darts stick up from the ground, taunting him as they shimmer in the light provided by the surrounding rides.

he turns to me, a hard expression on his handsome face. "Never speak of this again."

I laugh, pushing him sideways with my hip. "Watch how the master does it." I say in a deep voice, my eyes narrowed in amusment.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha." Chase laughs sarcasticly. "Your soooo funny." He folds him arms over his chest, leaning grupily against the edge of the stall.

I stick my tongue out at him and line up the first dart. It misses, chipping the edge of the traget and embedding itself in the wood behind. Chase laughs lightly, his expression softening.I screw up my face in concentration, pushing my feet a part slightly. I pull my arm back, closing one eye and take aim. I fling the dart forward.

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