Chapter 3

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You jump off the train, Draco behind you.
"Firs' years!" You hear. You turn to see the large man that was with Harry that day in Diagon Alley. You see Harry and Ron, and another girl with bushy brown hair.
You make sure Draco isn't watching, and you walk over to them.
"Hi (y/n)!" Ron greets, a big smile on his face. He introduces the girl, Hermione. You smile at her.
"Hello. Harry, who is he?" You point to the large man. Harry laughs at your scared face.
"That's Hagrid. Don't worry, he's really nice." He smiles. You nod and excuse yourself to get back to Draco.
Hagrid leads you all to a large lake with boats. You pile in one with Draco and his friend Crabbe. You watch in awe as you cross the lake. Hogwarts was the most beautiful place you've ever seen.
Finally you're off the boats and led into Hogwarts, where you see a lady, waiting for your group.
Professor Mcgonagall (as you later found out her name) went through her speech that she probably did every year, and said to stay put while she went to check something. At that moment, Draco left your side to talk to Harry.
"So it's true, what they were saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." He said, a stupid smirk on his face. He insulted Ron and his family, then proceeded to tell Harry, in his own twisted way, that he needed better friends.
"I can help you there." Draco finally finished, sticking a hand out for Harry to shake. Harry just looked at it.
"I think I can figure that out myself, thanks." Harry replied, then turned to wink at you. You blushed and looked away. Draco was furious.
Mcgonagall finally came back and led you into the great hall. You all walked through, staring at the ceiling, which looked like the night sky.
"It's not real, the ceiling. It's just enchanted. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." Hermione said to you.
You continue to walk down the great hall, until you come to a stool with an old hat on it.
Mcgonagall then started calling names.
"Hermione Granger"
"Draco Malfoy"
It was scary how fast the hat had decided Malfoy's fate.
"Ron Weasley"
"Harry Potter"
The hat took a very long time to answer.
"Not Slytherin? Well then, better be Gryffindor!" The hat said. Gryffindor was beyond ecstatic.
"(Y/n) (l/n)"
You walk up the steps, trying to calm your nerves.
The hat was about to be placed on your head, but it was too quick.
"Ravenclaw!" It screamed. You didn't know how to feel about it. Your mother had been Hufflepuff. Your father was Slytherin. How they even got married, you had no idea.
You sat down with Ravenclaw, but you desperately wished you had been Gryffindor. That's where your friends were.
Then Dumbledore got up.
"Let the feast begin!" He said. Food appeared on the table. You smiled when you spotted (favorite food) and took a plateful of it.
When the feast was over, you were taken to
The Ravenclaw common room.
Someone answered the riddle immediately. The door swung open, and you decided to go straight to your dorm. You said goodnight to your owl, Ebony, and fell asleep as soon as you were in bed.

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