Chapter 7

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2nd Year

"(Y/n), let's go! Hurry up!" Your father calls up the stairs harshly. You sigh. Your mother had gone to your grandparents, to "help around the house", but you knew it was to get away from your father. So you were stuck with him and his anger for most of the summer.

"Coming Father." You groan. You wave to Darcy secretly and walk to the fire place with your father.

"Knockturn Alley." You say and throw the green powder into the fireplace. Soon enough you tumble out of the hearth into Borgin and Burkes, closely followed by your father.

"Ah Lucius!" Your father says, seeing Mr. Malfoy, and leaves you at the back of the store. Draco sees you and glares, but stays away. Good.

Suddenly you hear a crash and turn to see a figure coming out of the fireplace. When he stands, you recognize the boy with dazzling green eyes.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" You whisper harshly, making sure your father can't see you.

"What? This isn't Diagon Alley!" Harry exclaims.

"It's Knockturn Alley. You shouldn't be here!" You panic.

Harry takes off his glasses and groans when he sees the shattered lens.

"Honestly Harry. How do you keep breaking your glasses? Oculus Reparo." You laugh. He smiles at you in thanks.

"Good to see you (y/n). Do you have any idea how to get to Diagon Alley from here?" Harry asks. You laugh.

"Sure. Stay here for a second." You say, then run to find your father.

"Father, can I start shopping for books? I'll meet you at the owl emporium in an hour." You ask. He glares at you for interrupting but nods. You run back to see Harry trying to rip his arm out of the vice grip of an enchanted hand. You roll your eyes and help him.

"Follow me, but make sure you're not recognized." You instruct, and start towards Diagon Alley.

You almost made it, but you lost Harry.

"Harry? What're yeh doin' 'ere?" You recognize Hagrid's voice and sigh with relief. You start towards the bookstore, guessing Harry will meet you there.

"(Y/n)!" You hear. You turn to see Hermione and Ron.

"Hey!" You smile, and run and hug them both.

"Hello dear, I'm Mrs. Weasley. Ron and Harry told me all about you." A nice looking woman smiles at you. You smile back, and then she leaves you alone and goes to talk to Harry, who finally made it.

You walk and shop with Hermione, and finally you both go to get your books.

You groan as you see a huge line and hear the shuttering of cameras. You look to see a tall man with golden hair.

"No..." You groan. Hermione quietly squeals.

"That's Gilderoy Lockheart! He's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" She says excitedly.

"Yeah, I know." You groan. You hated this man, there was just something off about him. Your mother had read every one of his books.

You left Hermione to gawk at the celebrity, and you ran into a girl with long red hair.

"Oh hi! You must be Ron's sister. Ginny, right?" You ask. She nods but doesn't answer.

"I'm (y/n), I'm close friends with Ron. I hope we can be friends too!" You smile. She nods. Suddenly you notice a man with long blonde hair walk in, and you run to the back of the store, only to run straight into Malfoy.

"(L/n)." He sneers. You back away quickly.

"Hello Malfoy, how was your summer?" You greet weakly, hoping he didn't see you talking to Ginny. You'd be in so much trouble.

Draco didn't answer, and pushed past you towards Hermione. He started insulting her. You looked at her, trying to tell her telepathically that you wished you could help, but she just shot insults back at Malfoy just as easily.

Mr. Malfoy was now insulting the Weasleys, and Ron's father looked about ready to punch someone. Mr. Malfoy then handed Ginny back her books, and left them alone, Draco following close behind.

"Oh! I have to go meet my dad. See you guys when school starts!" You say and run out the door, hoping your father isn't too angry with you.

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