Chapter 20

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"Hermione!" You called. She stopped and waited for you to catch up to her.

"Hey (y/n), what's up?" She asked.

"Cedric Diggory just asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him. I tried to say no but he wouldn't let me!" You say. Hermione laughs.

"Oh just go with him once. He's very nice, everyone likes him." She said. You nodded.

"But don't tell Harry." She smirked. You looked at her.

"What?" You ask. She laughs and drags you away form people listening.

"You know he fancies you right? It's obvious. And I know you like him." She said.

You laugh awkwardly.

"N-no I don't, and besides, Harry obviously likes Cho." You say quickly.

"Oh he'll get over that. " she says. You don't answer.


"So..." You say awkwardly to fill the silence. You and Cedric were in the Three Broomsticks. He didn't seem to want to really get to know you. Every word out of his mouth to you had been flirting, and it was driving you mad.

"I really love that necklace, it goes well with your eyes." Cedric said, pointing to the necklace Harry had gotten you in first year. You had just found it in the bottom of your trunk, forgotten, so you decided to wear it.

"Oh Thanks. Harry got it for me." You said. Cedric finally laughed.

"This isn't working for you is it." He chuckled. You smiled.

"Not really. You're very kind... But-"

"But you like someone else. I get it. I'm sorry, I kind of forced you to come. I really do like you." He said. You smile.

"Well we could be friends." You say.
"Have you figured out the clue yet? For the next task?" You ask. He shakes his head.

"It's just screeching. I've looked in translation books and I can't seem to find anything." He said frustratedly.

"Well, Harry hasn't shown me his egg yet, can I see yours?" You ask. He nods and takes it out of his bag.

"Don't open that in here. It's very loud. Let's go to the shrieking shack." He says, and the two of you walk out.

You sit down on the leaf covered ground and open the egg. Cedric immediately covers his ears. But you listen.

"Mermaids." You say finally. Cedric looks at you surprised.

"Mermaids can't speak out of water. It just sounds like shrieks." You inform him.

"So if I open it under water..." He starts, and you nod.

"Wow! Thank you!" Cedric smiled, and pulled you into an awkward hug.

"Can you do me a favor? I know Harry told you about the last task. So could you at least give him a hint about this one? I would do it but then he would ask how I knew and I'd have to explain I was on a date with you." You laughed awkwardly. Cedric smiled.

"Sure. Thank you again. I really owe you." He said, and you both walked back to Hogwarts.


You sat in the charms classroom as Flitwick explained the Yule Ball. You and the other girls in your house smiled brightly at the thought, but the boys didn't seem to care.

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