Chapter 34

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Finally you were back at Hogwarts. You barely spoke to Harry anymore, you spent most of your free time with Draco.

"Hey!" You smile and sit down next to him in the library. He smiles back.

"Hey (y/n). Ready to get this done?" He jokes. The two of you were planning to work on a potions essay. You open a book and start.

"Okay so the dangers of Amortentia are-"

"(Y/n)! There's a problem!" You hear from behind you. You turn to see Harry dragging Ron behind him.

"Um... hey, what's up?" You ask, noticing Ron's odd behavior.

"Hey! That's not Romilda Vane!" Ron pouts.

"Yeah... Romilda Vane slipped me a love potion but Ron got to it first." Harry explained, not looking you in the eye. You could tell he was angry about you being around Draco.

"Oh no... hey Ron, I know where she is! Come on!" You say cheerily. He smiles and skips behind you, and Harry trails behind him.

"Professor Slughorn!" You knock on his door loudly. He opens the door, then closes it when he sees Harry.

"Harry what did you do?" You groan.

"Long story. Please let us in Professor!" Harry pleads, and explains the problem. Finally he lets you in, and cures Ron.

You watch as Ron sits down, looking very depressed. You go and sit next to him.

"How're you feeling?" You ask.

"I'm okay." He answers sadly. Slughorn hands him a glass of something.

"This should cheer him up!" Slughorn says. Ron takes a sip.

Suddenly he's choking and laying on the ground. You gasp as Harry tries to get Slughorn to do something, but eventually Harry runs and gets a bezoar from the cupboard, and shoves it in Ron's mouth. You sigh in relief, wiping away the tears that had escaped a second ago.

"Let's get him to the hospital wing." Harry sighs. You help him drag Ron over.

"Oh my gosh! I left Draco alone!" You realize, and the second Madame Pomfrey tells you Ron will be okay, you rush to the library.

Draco was still sitting where you left him.

"Sorry! It took longer than we expected it to." You smile. Draco nods.

"Well you have first hand experience in love potions now, that will make things easier." He smirks. You laugh.

"Poor Ron, apparently after you're cured you become depressed. He was so sad... and then Slughorn poisoned him." You scoff.

"What?" Draco asks.

"Slughorn gave him wine or something that was poisoned, but he didn't seem to realize that it was." You say. Draco nods, he seems frustrated.

"Is that what took you so long?" He smirks. You roll your eyes.

"Yes. I wanted to make sure my friend didn't die." You tease. The two of you start joking together, and an hour later, you had nothing done.

"We need to focus." You say, composing yourself. Draco makes a face, and the two of you burst out laughing again.

"I haven't had this much fun in a while." Draco says. You smile sadly.

"How are you doing with... whatever it is you have to do?" You ask. He sighs.

"Absolutely no progress. I... I tested it with a bird.... and I killed it." He says sadly. You knew that was a big deal to him, he didn't want to kill anyone or anything.

"Well as much as I want you to fail so the school isn't destroyed, I still want you to succeed so you don't... get killed." You whisper, and place your hand on his. He nods, understanding.

"I... I still love you (y/n)." Draco admits after a moment, not looking you in the eye. You sigh.

"I know. And I'm flattered. You're one of my closest friends and I love you too, just... not in a romantic way. M-maybe one day... but right now-"

"You still love Potter. (Y/n), when will you realize it doesn't ever end well for you two?" He sighs. You look away.

"I already have realized that." You mumble.

"Well, I'm always here if you change your mind." He smiles sadly, and gets up and walks away.

A/n So so so sorry about the wait!! I've kind of run out of ideas... but they're coming back! So this chapter is a bit shorter, sorry about that. I'm planning to end 6th year in the next chapter.

On a happier note... THIS BOOK HAS 2K READS!!! Thank you so so much guys! I really appreciate you all!!

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