Chapter Two

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I wake up in a sleepy haze, and instinctively flop my arms out on either side of me, feeling around for anyone else that might be on the bed. No one else is, and so I sit up, frowning. Last I remember, I fell asleep on where is Shane...? 

"Drew, I got you some tea." Speak of the devil... Shane sneaks into the room, his voice quiet and his footsteps barely audible as he crosses the room, placing a mug of tea on the bedside table. 

"Thanks." I smile gratefully. "What time is it?" I can't be buggered checking the clock, even if it is only on the bedside table, right next to where my tea is. 

"Just after twelve." He sits down on the edge of the bed, passing me over my tea, and dropping two painkillers into my palm. I grin - he really knows what a guy wants! "Figured since everyone else is awake, I might as well wake you up." 

"Everyone else?" He nods. "Even Luke?!" Luke is impossible to wake up - in fact, it's hardly pushing it to say that he's a bit like a grumpy bear during hibernation... 

"It took a lot of coffee, but he's awake. I had a nice idea, actually, I was wondering if you'd be up for it." 

I cock an eyebrow, before taking the two painkillers with a gulp of hot tea. I yawn slightly, placing the mug back on the table, and flop back onto the bed. Shane decides to flop on top of me, arms crossed over my chest as he smiles sweetly. "What kind of idea?" 

His green eyes glint with childish mischief as he speaks. "I thought we could go to the beach!" 

"The beach?! Shane, that's ages away-" 

"Don't be grumpy, Drew, it doesn't suit you." He pouts. "Come on, please? The others thought it was a great idea!" 

"Well, I'm not the others. I'm sleepy." And besides, I don't like water...or swimming...or any kind of physical activity that doesn't involve thrashing up and down a stage wildly, wielding my possessed bass guitar; not that anybody knows that, not even Shane does. 

"Drew...please? What happened to 'Timids unite'?" He shoots me the widest, saddest pair of puppy-dog-eyes I've ever seen, looking like a little lost puppy as he pleads silently with me. I resist the urge to smirk at his attempt; it hardly works for him. Everyone knows I'm the cute Timid! Nonetheless, he continues to pout at me, until I eventually sigh. 

"Fine. Let me get ready then-" 

"Yay!" He grins, pushing up off me and jumping to his feet, rushing out of the room. I take this opportunity to get up out of bed and cross the room, raiding through my clothes drawers and searching for clean clothes. I eventually just end up nicking one of Shane's Enter Shikari t-shirts and dragging out my old pair of red skinny jeans, as well as the dreaded pair of swimming trunks from the very back of my drawer, before proceeding to get dressed. Just as I'm changing my t-shirt, I hear the door swing open, and Kier pokes his head around the door. 

"Since when were you an Enter Shikari fan?" He asks me curiously. "And when did you buy their merch?" 

"Since I nicked this t-shirt from Barrone. I'm smart enough to take advantage of my Timid's merch problems." It seems that Shane likes buying band merchandise just a little too much, when he gets money he buys as much merchandise as he possibly can. Maybe that's how he came to own so many Iron Maiden t-shirts? Because, really, no sane person owns enough of one band's merch to wear a different t-shirt of theirs every day for a full tour... 

"Ah, good thinking!" He grins. "I think he's rushing us all out of the door like...right now, to be honest. Everyone else is all ready, so we're just waiting for you." He leaves the room before I can say anything else, and my face falls flat. It's like he knew I was going to say yes...dammit, am I that predictable? That much of a bloody pushover?! He thinks I'll say yes to anything if he pulls that puppy-dog face?! Well, I'll show him! 

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