Chapter Four

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Everyone has decided to call it an early night - after the mayhem of hangovers and spending a day in the sun - and so the lot of us have settled down in the bedroom, spread out around the room as usual as we try to get to sleep. Try, of course, is the key-word here, seeing as Luke ate a little too much chili...and he's done nothing but fart for the past half hour or so. Laurence and Kier are sprawled out on the bed as they are every night (well, every night that they decide the bed is a nicer place to sleep than on the floor or in an armchair), and Luke is lying on his resident mattress on the floor, below the window. Shane and I...well, we're just nestled in a bundle of sheets and pillows at the bottom of the double bed, as always. Usually we would lie together and cuddle, so that we're not both hanging off either end of the bed...but, maybe for tonight, it's best if things aren't like that. I don't want anything to be more awkward than it needs to be. 

I look to the side and smile reassuringly at Shane, and he smiles back anxiously - I can tell that things are still awkward for him though, even though we've agreed to pretend that kiss never well as the rest of it. 

"Jesus, Luke, seriously! Put a plug in it!" 

"I am not sticking a plug in my backside!" Luke gapes. 

"No! Not like that! No!" Laurence groans. 

"You can borrow some of Laurence's, right?" Kier smirks, and Laurence freaks out at the thought. 

"I don't own any! None! Not one!" 

"You've got to be kidding me..." I wrinkle my nose up at the smell, and bury my face in the sheets beneath me, grimacing. "Seriously, Luke, why chili?!" 

"It tastes nice." He frowns. 

"Not when it comes out the other end, it doesn't." Kier laughs darkly, before holding a pillow over his face. 

"I can't handle this smell..." Shane groans. 

"Me neither..." I whine. "Timid, I think we should evacuate the premises. Like, now." And so, regardless of the awkwardness still evident between us both after the day's events, we dive off the bed, out of the room, and into the front room, dragging sheets and pillows in our wake. 

"Seriously...smelly..." Shane groans. "How can Keveridge even handle that smell?" 

"No comment." I chuckle, before flopping down on the sofa. Shane groans. 

"Eugh, Drew..." He grimaces in mock-disgust, and then flops down on the other end of the sofa. "Now we have to sleep in here?" 

"Yeps." I sigh, pulling the sheets around me and getting comfortable - or as comfortable as it's possible for someone to get on a leather sofa, and with a lanky bugger on the other end of the sofa taking up half the space. "How are we meant to get comfy on this damned thing?" 

"Uhm..." Cuddles are out of the question for now, so there's really no alternative. Unless... "Should we cuddle?" I ask anxiously. Shane bites his lip, looking a little awkward, and then shrugs. 

"I..I guess...?" We both shuffle closer to each other, and I can see that Shane looks as awkward as I feel as we sit side-by-side. I glance up at him, and he smiles nervously, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. My head rests against his chest, and I sigh contentedly, before wriggling onto his lap, smiling slightly. 

"Things are going to be a lot different from now on, right?" I sigh. He just nods. "I don't want things to be different." 

"It's selfish that I do." He frowns, holding me close and resting his head on top of mine and playing with my hair aimlessly. 

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