Chapter Thirty-Three

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[Shane's P.O.V.]

"Oh, yeah...mum, dad, I'm gay, and Drew is my boyfriend." I beam up at Drew, taking his hand in mine. His hazel-brown eyes are wide, his red-flushed face is decorated with a beautiful grin. My boyfriend. That's all I asked for. Everything, right now, is perfect.

"Boyfriend?" My parents exclaim in shock. After a moment, my mum adds, "well, okay, but I'd rather prefer it if you weren't casually feeling up my son whilst he's trying to recover in hospital, Drew." She smirks. Kier hoots with laughter at the same time as my dad; Drew and I just flush red, mortified.

"B-but...I-I wasn't...I wasn't feeling him up!" Drew gapes. My mum smirks. "I mean, I-I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, and...I'm so sorry!" Drew gasps, his face burning red hot from embarrassment.

"I was having you on, Drew," my mum smirks, "but it's nice to know how open the pair of you are about your physical-"

"Mum! That's sick!" I gasp, mortified.

"Funny, though." She laughs. "Anyway, uh, that's not why we came back in. Shaney, there's something we need to talk to you about. The doctor figured it might be best coming from us."

The smile is suddenly wiped from my face as I listen to my mum. The tone of her voice is that same soft, patronising tone she gave me when I broke my arm when I was ten and she had to break the news to me that I wouldn't be able to play guitar for a while. The thing is, I don't think this is anything quite so trivial and everyday as breaking an arm.

"You see, Shane," my mum sits down on the edge of the bed, taking my hand in hers. My other hand is still in Drew's, and he squeezes it reassuringly. "The thing is, taking all that medication was silly of you. Of course it was bound to cause some damage. And, well...this damage was in your liver. You need a transplant." I blink in surprise; her words refuse to sink in, and in my screwed-up mind they feel like lies. My liver can't be damaged. I can't be in need of a transplant. This can't be happening, just when Drew's finally agreed to stay by my side, just when everything's finally started falling into place and looking up, this can't be happening!

"There's a donor, though." Drew smiles weakly; I can see the sadness in his eyes as he speaks. "They're transporting the liver right now. They tested it, and there's a high chance it's a definite match. Then you can sit back and be pampered whilst you recover. Then you can come home!" he forces a grin onto his face, and I smile at the idea of him playing nurse.

Thank god for Drew Woolnough. I think to myself. Then, aloud, "and what happens if it's not a match?"

"Well, it will be." I don't believe Drew. I've known him long enough to be able to tell when he's lying, and this is one of those times. Everything is silent from this point; the pained look in my parents' eyes, the fact that Kier refuses to meet my gaze, and Drew's arms instantly wrapping around me, all tell me what would happen even without anyone speaking.

I'll die if this liver isn't a match.

"It'll be okay." Drew sighs. "They wouldn't contemplate sticking the liver in you if they didn't think it was a match. Things will be okay." His arms tighten around my neck, and I sigh deeply, shakily. Sighing, just breathing in general, feels odd with this little breathing nub in my nose, the tubes tucked neatly behind my ears.

"I hope so." i frown. I rest my cheek against his shoulder, meeting his gaze, and he takes my hand in his tightly. A moment later, Kier sighs.

"This is all very heartfelt and all, but visiting hours are pretty much over, Wooly. We need to go."

Just as Drew moves to stand up, I grip his hand even tighter than before. Looking straight into his eyes, my voice is quiet.

"Stay with me, Drew. Don't leave me." I whisper. Just as I've said this, my mum smiles.

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