Chapter Thirty-One

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[Drew’s PO.V.]

“So he needs a transplant.” I mumble. The doctor, sat across from me in the silent canteen, nods.

“I’m afraid so. Of course, we need an exact match, one that won’t be rejected. His only chance is either someone newly deceased that has donated a liver for a transplant, or someone generous enough to donate their liver for him. But we can’t ask anyone to do the latter-“

“You don’t need to ask. Sign me up.” I say quickly. The doctor blinks in surprise, and Kier and Laurence, who are both sat on my left at the table, both protest quickly and loudly.

“Drew, are you nuts?!”

“You’re not giving anyone a damn liver, you idiot!”

“It’s my decision.” I snap, staring at the pair of them. “Would you rather we lost Shane?”

“We’re not losing you either, you prat!” Kier scowls. “A donor’ll pop up, Shane’ll get his liver. Everything will be fine. Don’t-“

“This…this may be a lot to ask,” the doctor cuts Kier off mid-rant, “but is there perhaps anyone you know that…well, that is…” The dark-grey-haired doctor makes a little odd motion with his hand.

“Anyone that’s dying, you mean.” I ask quietly. The doctor nods. “I…I…”

“Arys.” Kier says quickly. Laurence and I glare at him.

“We can’t ask that of her! She’s dying, Kier!” I snap.

“And what better time to ask than when she’s ready to pass out a free liver, anyway? It’s not like she’ll miss it!”

I stare at the red-fringed man in disbelief. “I can’t believe you would even say that.” And then, I quickly leave the table, turning and leaving the canteen as quickly as I can using my crutch, rushing out into the empty, silent corridor.

Shane is going to die, and it’s all my fault. I caused him to take an overdose, the least I can do is sacrifice myself and my liver to make sure he’s alright! I can’t ask Arys to give Shane her damn liver, that’s not something you ask just anybody! In fact, you don’t ask anybody that kind of thing! It’s too much t ask, for someone to give up their liver…and besides, Arys probably isn’t even a match! It’s pointless even considering an option like that; in fact, it’s not even an option!

I must have been hanging around in this corridor for a fair while by the time my phone goes – well, Laurence’s phone with my SIM card in it; I had to promise not to throw this one into a wall, after my own phone’s tragic and abrupt end. I answer it quickly, holding it to my ear.


“Drew, it’s me.” Arys’ mum. Crap. Why is she calling? Is something wrong? Is Arys…is she… “Kier – I think it was Kier? – called. He told me about Shane’s situation.” Oh. Crap. He didn’t…he wouldn’t dare… “Arys put herself down on the donor’s lost when she was 16. Anything that’s needed for a transplant, she’s signed to be donated when she…you know. Maybe she saw…saw this coming. But anyway, if Arys’ liver is a match, Shane is going to be okay. I…I know Arys wants you to be happy, and she wants to be able to save someone with this, so she…” She sighs. “She’s not going to last long. At least something good will come out of this.”

“Oh my… I don’t… I don’t… I don’t know what to say. I…” I stutter. What can I say?

“You don’t have to say anything. Arys has obviously dealt with this tumour for a long time, and you’ve managed to make her final few weeks bearable, so for that I can’t even begin to thank you enough for that.”

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