Chapter Nine

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I practically storm from the van roughly 10 minutes after everyone else, straight up the path and into the small house before me. As soon as I close the front door, I hear several large cheers, and my face flushes red. I slip into the front room without a word, and drop onto the black sofa next to a thin-faced, black-haired man that I remember as Nico Veneré, a good friend of mine and the bassist for Ashestoangels. He's grinning, or rather smirking, at me. 

"Got one going because of Barrone? Lovely." 

"Ain't it just!" Kier laughs. I see another figure enter the room, with black hair brushing just past his shoulders and a grin spread across his face. 

"What's happened here, then?" He dumps two six-packs of beers down on the table in the middle of the room, before dropping onto the arm of the chair where Kier and Laurence are sat. I note how the pair are curled up together, Kier on Laurence's lap, and Laurence holding Kier close, the pair obviously a couple and yet obviously painfully good at hiding it. 

"Drew got a hard-on over Shane." I hear someone say, and look across the room to see Adam Falkor, a man with blond hair shaved at one side that plays guitar for Ashes, laughing; Crilly whistles. 

"Shrew exists!!" 

"It's the Timids, not Shrew." Shane rolls his eyes; not denying anything, I note. 

"Tell that to the shipping fangirls." Crilly winks. 

"It wasn't over Shane!" I groan. "It was-" 

"He heard Keveridge getting it on and got an instant boner." Jim, a man with black hair combed back from his face that plays drums for Ashes, chuckles, and I hide my face in my hands, shaking my head quickly. 

"Eugh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..." I mumble. 

"That reminds me," Kier says suddenly, "there's something Laur and I want to tell you all, now that everyone's all in one place." They're going to tell everyone about Keveridge...well, being real? Didn't quite expect that, but hey-ho... "Laurence and I kind of wanted to tell you sooner, but I guess we didn't know how. We're a couple." 

"Keveridge is real..." Crilly grins. Everyone congratulates them and all, and then tackles the beer on the table, chattering between themselves. I sit silent, sipping my beer and thinking. 

If Kier and Laurence can openly announce that they're a couple...then I can tell Shane that I've thought about maybe having feelings for him, right? I need to put the poor guy out of his misery. 

"Hey, you alright?" I hear someone ask me; I glance up to see Crilly crouching in front of me, smiling sympathetically. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, just fine." I plaster on a smile, one that feels so utterly fake. He doesn't look convinced. 

"I doubt that." He stands up, motioning for me to follow him, which I do without a word, out into the hallway. He closes the door behind us, before folding his arms across his chest and turning to face me. "Gonna tell me what's wrong, now?" 

"I..." I sigh deeply, before closing my eyes and bowing my head. "I don't know what to do, Adam." 

"Adam? This must be serious." He sighs. "Is it to do with Shane?" 

"It...yes." I open my eyes, looking up at him. His expression is understanding, his smile is subtle and reassuring. 

"You seriously got like that over him?" He asks, slightly disbelieving. 

" I don't know!" I groan. "I...I...bleh..." I drop to the carpeted floor, crossing my legs and frowning down at my tattered green Converse. "Help me?" I squeak. 

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