Chapter Seven

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I roll over in bed, groaning and hiding my face in the pillow. Why do I keep having dreams like that? That's two nights in a row that I've dreamt something like that, dreamt of kissing Shane... God, do I want to kiss him that badly? And this time I agreed to it, I allowed him to kiss me... 

"You alright?" I hear Shane ask me quietly; I nod slightly, turning my head and lying on my stomach as I look at my Timid. His hair, as usual, is tousled and ruffled from sleep, his face rather pale and his green eyes wide. He smiles slightly at me, before reaching out and taking my hand, squeezing it gently. 

"Yeah. Just had a weird dream." I sigh. 

"Want to talk about it?" Hah. Not with you, anyway.

"No. Not really." I say instead. "It's...awkward." 

"I'm your best friend, Drew, you can tell me anything, awkward or not. I don't mind awkward." He smiles reassuringly. I resist the urge to snort slightly.

"Well I do." I sit up, pulling a hand through my hair and grimacing. "I'm going for a shower." 

"'s 4am..." Shane looks confused; I shrug. 

"I need a shower. Simple as that." Before he can protest any further, I push up off the bed, and retrieve some clean clothes from my drawer; then, being careful not to step on a sleeping Keveridge, who are curled up near the door, I slip out into the hall. Everything, as it usually is at 4am, is dark, and weirdly cold; I shiver, before crossing the hall and slipping into the bathroom, turning on the light and closing the door. Being sure to lock it - I know what these guys are like, they'll just prance on in here, not caring whether I'm in the shower or not - I then undress myself, and spend the next twenty minutes in the shower: five minutes getting clean, and fifteen minutes sitting on the floor of the shower thinking and trying not to cut my head open to rummage around desperately for my common sense and decency. After my shower, I pull on my clean clothes - black jeans, Gunslinger t-shirt, as normal - and then leave the bathroom, dumping my pyjamas in the clothes hamper in the kitchen and then making myself tea. After that, I end up sitting on the windowsill again as I was yesterday, just staring out at the world beyond our kitchen window. It's weird how this fascinates me, staring out at the city from through a window, and yet growing up in a place as picturesque as Beccles held no interest for little ol' teenage me. Come to think of it, it never held much interest for Shane either. Is that because he was interested in me, instead...? 

I gulp down the rest of my tea and then sigh deeply; this really isn't how I'm meant to spend my life, is it? Being happy when I'm playing bass, but confused every other second because the only thing ever on my mind anymore is Shane. 

What the hell does this mean?! Am I attracted to him, or just curious, or what?! Do I want to try anything, or am I just leaving it to lie as it is?! Help?! 

I need to take my mind off this shit... I slip down from the windowsill, dumping my mug in the sink, and then traipse through to the front room, dragging an acoustic guitar of Laurence's out from it's nesting place beside the computer desk. I sit down on the sofa, settling the guitar on my knee as I play a song to myself, singing quietly - even if people think I should sing more, I don't believe that I'm all that good. 

"Forgive this trouble in my heart, don't you know, what I'd give to take this pain away and tear the world apart...all I am is what you left behind, so leave me be if you would be so kind..." 

"Exploding Heart Disorder. How fitting." I hear Laurence mumble as he drags himself into the room, dropping down on the sofa next to me and abruptly stopping my singing and guitar playing just with his mere presence. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong now? Or sit here and get through it yourself?" 

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