Chapter Thirty

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

I slowly open my eyes, and see that I'm still in the hospital, but I'm no longer in the waiting room, and no longer with Luke. I'm sat in a white-walled corridor, posters about cancer treatment, flu jabs and support groups littering the walls. The floor is shined so bright from being polished that the light from the ceiling reflects of the ground and glares into my eyes, and I blink for a second, allowing my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the light.

The two chairs on either side of me are empty, apart from a stray and forgotten blue hoodie that looks like the one Laurence always wears. I frown down at it, wondering to myself where the man could be. And, well, where everyone else could be, too, considering everything is silent. I'm the only one in this corridor...what time must it be, then, if it's this quiet?

My phone buzzes quietly in my pocket, and I dig around in my pocket until I find it. Someone is phoning me, so perhaps there isn't a mass apocalypse happening, after all. Maybe.

"Hello?" I answer, having not bothered to check the caller ID before accepting the call.

"You're awake. Finally." I hear Luke chuckle. "I thought I would call you to make sure you're okay." Oh yeah... Luke went home just before I fell asleep, after I pulled myself together and found somewhere more quiet - and closer to Shane's room - to sit. He was exhausted, so I can't blame him for going home. I refused to leave, of course; if there's any change in Shane's condition, I want to be the first to know.

"I'm fine, I guess." I reply simply. My voice is croaky from sleep, my throat sore from all that crying I did earlier. It feels like I've swallowed razorblades.

"Good. Kier and Laurence are still there, yeah?" He asks. I glance down blankly at the hoodie for a moment.

"But I don't know where they are."

"Maybe Laurence is off looking for someone to talk about Shane? And Kier'll have gone off with him. In any case, though, he'd have left a note. You know what Bevers is like."

"Yeah, I guess. I...I'm gonna go now. 'Bye." I hang up just before he manages to reply, quickly checking the time on my phone before I put it back into my pocket: 3.47am. No wonder it's so quiet.

I wonder where Kier and Laurence are... And then I remember what Luke said: knowing Laurence, he'll have left a note. I glance back down at Laurence's hoodie, and then notice the small white corner of white paper sticking out of the pocket: a note. I grab it quickly, unfolding the scrap of lined paper and reading Laurence's scribbled note.

'Wooly: When you've woken up, this is just to let you know Kier and I are off to find someone who can fill us in on Barrone's condition. Don't know how long we'll. I hope you're okay, hopefully we'll be back soon. Oh, and before I forget, Pil said there's a box or something at home, with some stuff for you in it. I don't know if you have any idea what it is, but Luke said he'd rather you take a look at it yourself; it'll save him from nosing through it any more than he already has. See you soon, Wooly.'

I fold the note back over, tucking it away in my pocket, before pushing to my feet. My bones crack from being in the same position for too long, and I groan, stretching weakly. Glancing up and down the corridor, I see that I'm still the only one here. I frown, sighing, and hobble forward with my crutch in hand for support, a second later turning and hobbling back, repeating the tedious action. The whole time I pace, my right hand is gripping my crutch, the other buried deep in my pocket, and I'm staring down at the floor, grinding my teeth anxiously. My thoughts are centered on Shane, and as I worry about him, my mind starts to go mad with anxiety.

What if he doesn't make it through the night? What if he does, and he's really ill, and he dies anyway? What if he's okay, but he hates me for everything I've done, and refuses to see me? What then?

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