Chapter Sixteen

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I linger in the doorway soundlessly, listening as the others all bid goodbye to Crilly, Nico, Falkor and Jim. We've been in Bristol for a week now, so of course it's time to head back to good old London town, and get on with our band duties.

"See you later, Laurence." Crilly says. I duck back further into the doorway as he adds, "let me know how things go between the Timids, eh?" What, have the pair been discussing us or something? Creepy, much?!

"Will do." Laurence says, before proceeding to head out to the van. As always, he's the last to leave, meaning that, as always, he'll get the worst seat in the van: the floor.

Just as I see the black-haired man come into view, I turn and bolt out the front door, towards the van parked at the side of the road. I can hear Metallica pouring out from the open windows of the parked red heap of metal, telling me that it's obviously Luke's turn to drive; he's always saying that Metallica are his 'driving jam', so we just have to leave him to it, for fear that he'll fall asleep and crash the van or something. Or worse: let Kier drive. Eugh...

I dive into the side of the van as the door opens, flopping onto the hard floor with a deafening thud, and groan as I begin to ache all over.

"Maybe that wasn't the best move..." I whine. Kier and Shane smirk at me, but Luke just sighs, like a weary old mother about to tell her child off.

"Wooly? Why are you hanging out the side of the van again?" I hear Laurence question. I sigh, making an incoherent noise, before dragging myself further into the van on my stomach. Laurence tosses his bag into the van, hitting me on the head and producing a pained whine that a five-year-old would be more expected to let out than me.

"Bevers..." I derp, before dragging myself up into the lower "bunk" where Shane has flopped down in defeat of something. Laurence drops down onto the floor of the van just behind the two front seats, so as to be able to speak to Kier, leaving Shane and I to settle down together in exhaustion. I can understand why Shane is tired - he didn't sleep very much last night, and sat sketching away or noodling for the vast majority of the night - but me...well, the only possible explanation I could have for feeling sleepy is all the weird dreams and troubled thoughts I was having last night; or the last few nights, for that matter.

"Tired, much?" I smile as Shane closes his eyes and wriggles further into the corner, looking like he's ready for nodding straight off right now.

"Just a tad." He mumbles in reply. I smile, and then settle down next to him.

"Go to sleep if you want, Shane, no one's stopping you." I tell him quietly. He smiles drowsily up at me.

"I might, just for a while..." He sighs. "Before Luke crashes the van." I smile at that; Luke's driving can be so wild sometimes, it's a wonder he even passed his driving test...

The sound of Metallica blaring out of the speakers in the front of the van blares out as Luke drives quickly down the road, and I curl up next to Shane without another word. My forehead touches his softly as I smile contentedly, for just a short moment putting everything out of my head as I listen to everything happening in the van.

"The Timids...look at them..." Kier coos. I roll my eyes as he and Laurence coo and squeak about Shane and I, and wait for a while until they've shut up. Then, I hear my phone ring quietly, the sound of Sassafras by The Devil Wears Prada playing out almost silently compared to the blaring music in the front of the van.

"You answering that?" Shane mumbles. I just shrug, ignoring the vibrating phone in my pocket.

"Probably not. Can't be arsed." I sigh.

"I'll answer it, then." He moves to slip his hand into my back pocket to retrieve my phone, but I quickly reach out, grabbing his wrist. He looks at me in silent questioning for a moment, cocking an eyebrow, and I slip my hand down from his wrist to tangle my fingers with his.

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