Chapter Twenty-Eight

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

I hear the mobile phone, perched precariously on the slim arm of the sofa I'm sat upon, ringing insistently, the Portal theme playing out through the muffled speaker. I see Kier and Arys doing an odd little synchronised dance from where they're making food in the kitchen, and smile at the pair of Portal fanatics, all the while ignoring my phone. I can't be bothered answering it; if it's anything urgent then they'll phone Kier, and not me.

"You gonna answer that?" Arys asks, after she's finished her little dance and has gone back to dealing with what Kier keeps referring to as "din-dins".

"He's been ignoring that phone for weeks," Kier answers for me, before I get the chance to talk, "of course he's not answering it."

"Fair point." Arys chuckles.

I watch the pair of them for a moment, frowning. Arys has been really distant with me recently; come to think of it, she's been keeping a considerable distance ever since Kier and Shane showed up at the hospital all those weeks ago. Why has she been avoiding me? We've spoken as normal, I suppose, but she doesn't want to sit near me, or be in the same room as me if we're alone. Is it because of what I did? Because I was stupid, I practically played her for a fool? Dammit, why did I do that?! Eugh, I disgust myself sometimes...

Kier chooses this moment to traipse into the front room, wiggling his hips and waving a plate of hot food around as he sings the Portal tune. Placing the plate on the coffee table, he winks, before dancing around me to pick up my phone.

"Hey, that's mine!" I protest, but he wags a finger at me, looking haughtily down at me.

"Ah-ah-ah...didn't your mum ever teach you to share?" He unlocks my phone, dragging a finger across the touch screen, and then his dark brows raise. "Shane called...ain't that strange?"

"How so?" Arys asks from the kitchen as she plates up other food from the tinfoil-covered tray. 

I know exactly why it's strange: Shane hasn't phoned me once since I decided to stay in Bristol. Hasn't even sent me so much as a text message, an email, a tweet, nothing. Zilch. Nada. So why phone now? Did something happen? Is he hurt?

Kier must be a mind-reader, because he tells Arys as much. "He hasn't contacted Drew at all since Wooly here decided to stay in Bristol. The most they've spoken was in hospital, when Shane and I came from London to visit. So, either the stubborn-arse little bugger has decided to have a spontaneous change of heart, or something's up back home."

Wait, what if Shane is hurt? What if something happened? What if he's in hospital? What if that was Laurence calling to say something happened to Shane? "He'll be fine. I'm sure Laurence put him up to it, calling me. Or it was Laurence calling to try to force us to talk. Either way, he's fine." At least, I hope he is.

"I didn't say there would be anything up with Shane. Just maybe, I don't know, there's a problem with some instruments or Laur's cooking or the fact that they're missing two band members." Kier drops my phone back onto the arm of the chair, frowning almost as deeply as I am at the thought. We haven't been home in a while; I wonder how they're holding the fort without us...

No. I can't be thinking about that right now. I need to concentrate on getting these damn bandages off my leg, chuck the crutch, and get my arm out of this sling as soon as possible. If I think about home, I'll end up thinking about my Timid.

Shane...I hope he's okay- No! I can't think about him!

Instead of thinking about my Timid, I stare ahead of me blankly at the TV. Arys stuck Supernatural on a little while ago, and a re-run of season 6 episode 2 is playing. I laugh to myself about the Winchester brothers trying to cope with a wailing baby at a supermarket checkout, and for a little while Shane is out of my mind, for the first time in what feels like forever. Just as Dean tackles an old shifter (I think it's a shifter? It's been a while since I watched that far back in Supernatural for there to be shifters in the series), I hear Kier's phone ring, and my mind goes utterly ballistic again.

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