Chapter Fourteen

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I open my eyes slowly to let in creeping light from the open window. A cold breeze is washing in, and I can hear loud music blaring from the front room. But that's not what pulls me out of my drowsiness; I can feel someone's arm tight around my waist, holding me close against their chest, and I glance over my shoulder at who it is, before smiling slightly. Shane is fast asleep, his eyes closed and his lips parted slightly as he snores softy. His cheeks are flushed pink and his hair is a tousled mess, as always. I wriggle back until I'm as close to him as I can get, and then settle down again, closing my eyes. For a change, everything is calm, normal, peaceful. Almost perfect.

And why almost? Well, if it weren't for the wild and grinning Crilly leaning against the end of the bed, face resting on his hands and elbows propped up on the bed as he smiles (rather sickeningly) sweetly at us both.

"Don't think I didn't notice you, Crilly." I sigh. "You're a pervert."

"Me? No! Just an honorary member of the Timids fanclub." My eyes snap open at that.

"Fanclub...?" Okay. So he could just be playing with my head, because as far as I know all we have is fangirls and people that ship us. But a fanclub?!

"Yep. Keveridge and I started it." Uhm. You what?

"Crilly, piss off. You're being weird." When he makes no move to leave, I sigh. Time to bring out the big guns... "I'll post on all of the band's accounts that you and Falkor have been getting it on. In your name."

"You wouldn't dare." He smirks; even so, I can see that slight doubt in the back of his eyes.

"Oh, I would." I slip my phone put of my pocket, grinning as I open up Facebook...and by the time I glance back at where Crilly is sat, I discover that he's disappeared, and the door is closing over silently. I smirk, and then hear a slight chuckle. Looking over my shoulder, I see that Shane's eyes are open just a crack, and he's grinning adorably at what just happened. I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach at just the mere sight, and for a moment I'm confused. I don't think I'll ever quite grasp why I've started feeling stuff like this for my best's just plain weird.

"Want to do something today? Since we're going back to London in two days." Oh yeah, so we are. Damn, time has just flown past since we got here.

"Sure. Like what?"

"Well, I was thinking we could ditch that lot and go into town? Or steal the van and find a beach?"

I almost gulp at the idea of going to another beach as I remember what happened the last time. But who says I need to go near water again? "Beach!" I grin.

"I'll pack a picnic?" I nod enthusiastically at that. "You're like a little kid, you know that? Adorable." My cheeks flush slightly pink of their own accord at that, and I silently curse myself for being so feminine. "I'll even pack brownies, since I know they're your favourite." He sends me a quick wink, before slipping off the edge of the bed and leaving the room without a word. I smile, flopping back on the bed and smiling.

"You still have that situation with Arys to deal with, you know." I hear Laurence say, and I yelp as I see his head pop up at the end of the bed, where Crilly was just mere minutes ago.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" I squeak. He just smiles subtly, tapping the side of his nose.

"Never mind that. Before you settle down and get cosy with Barrone, you still have to end things with Arys."

"A-and I will." I assure him. "Tonight. I'm seeing her again."

"Does Shane know? So he's not confused about where the hell you've gone?" Laurence asks pointedly.

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