Chapter Ten

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I yawn slightly, lying back on the lounge-chair in the back garden. The sun is beaming down on my face, and I can already feel my skin beginning to burn. 

"It's never this hot in Bristol..." Crilly groans, sitting against the wall of the house, in the shade. 

"And the sun...eugh." Nico grumbles, sitting down next to Crilly. 

"You are kidding me? You hate the sun that much?" Laurence blinks in surprise. He, much like the rest of us not-so-vampiric lot, is sat on the grass, soaking up the sun; Kier is curled up on his lap, smiling contentedly to himself with his eyes closed. 

"I hate it with a vengeance." Crilly tugs his beanie-hat on his head, scowling. "It's so warm and just...ew." 

I hear music begin to play from in the house, and Luke and Jim come dancing out the back door to Good Charlotte's song 'The Anthem'. 

"They've had too much to drink already." Falkor laughs. "We need to control them." 

"I want to go to Forbidden Planet." Shane sighs. "I don't much like this sun." 

"You want to spend all day in a musky, dark old shop, staring at comics and game merch?" I blink in surprise. He nods. "Then I'm bloody with you." I push to my feet quickly, grabbing Shane by his wrist and dragging him back into the house. 

"I'm coming, too!" Falkor and Crilly say quickly in unison, and follow us through the house and out the front door before anyone else can protest to our abrupt disappearance. We're already marching down the street and towards the town centre not two minutes later, laughing and joking between ourselves, mostly about Keveridge. 

"I can't believe Keveridge is real! Imagine what the fangirls would say! Oh my god, what about Lukier?!" Crilly exclaims. I snort with laughter at his fangirl-esque reaction. 

"Now all we need is for the Timids to become canon." Falkor mutters. I glance towards Shane, and we both exchange timid and knowing grins, before turning back to what Falkor and Crilly are saying. 

"They got a new lot of Final Fantasy figures in last week, so we need to get some." Crilly grins. 

"They have Game of Thrones merch, right?" Falkor pipes up. I roll my eyes; what's so great about that show, anyway? Falkor with Game of Thrones is almost as bad as Laurence with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Kier with Supernatural, jeez... 

It doesn't take long for the four of us to get to the town centre, and only a few minutes after that to get to Forbidden Planet. As soon as we step inside, Falkor and Crilly go mad and run towards the manga comics and anime merch, and I roll my eyes at them. Not long after that, I feel Shane's hand slip into mine, and he drags me off towards the comics on the other side of the cramped, bustling shop. I follow on, other comic-mad geeks like myself jostling me on all sides. 

"They have Ultimate Spiderman..." He mutters in a sing-song voice in my ear. I grin then, wildy and rabidly, as I scan the shelves, eventually settling my gaze on the newest Ultimate Spiderman comic. I grab it, pulling it off the shelf and holding it tight against my chest. 

"I want it! Shaney, you need to buy me this!" I give him puppy-dog eyes, and he smiles. 

"You had money, your share from the last lot of merch we sold. Couldn't you have bought it then?" 

"We weren't in Bristol then, and they don't have it back down in London yet..." I give him an even wider set of puppy-dog eyes. "Pwease, Shaney?" I plead, sounding like a little kid begging his mum for a new toy. He sighs deeply. 

"Oh...fine." He takes the comic from me, smiling fondly. "Seeing as you asked so nicely." He traipses over to join at the back of the queue, digging money out of his pocket, and I grin, before skipping over to the manga and browsing the shelves wordlessly. In the corner, I can see Crilly and Falkor squeaking about Final Fantasy special edition figures, and I snort. Pair of idiots, seriously... 

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