Chapter Thirty-Four

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

I open my eyes slowly, dull light streaming in through the half-open blinds. I'm curled up on a bed, someone's arms tight around me. Shane. We're in the hospital. I remind myself. Shifting my position slightly, I prop myself up on my elbow, seeing that my Timid is still fast asleep, snoring softly, his head turned to the side, yellowed face turned away from me and covered by his thick mop of unruly dirty-blond hair. I study his face for a moment, noting the yellow tint of jaundice upon his skin, the frown upon his face, his furrowed brows.

I glance breifly out of the window, seeing that day is only just breaking; glancing over at the clock above the door, I see that it's 11am. Too early for me to get up, but too late to go back to sleep. So, I go back to watching Shane sleep, as weird as that sounds. He's my boyfriend, so surely that means I can get away with it?

I notice that he's kicked the covers away from him, his thin legs tangled with the fabric, hospital gown riding up just shy of his thighs. I flush red at the sight, and then lean over him to study his face. I reach out nervously, fingers lightly trailing along his jaw, across his lips, down to his neck, his collarbone, and then I stop, glancing down at where he's kicked the covers away. He's fascinating to look at, fascinating to touch; it's fascinating just acknowledging that this man is real, and he's mine

I settle down next to him again, my hand resting gently on his hip as I rest my chin on his shoulder, kissing his neck gently. From this angle, I can see the cuts and scratches on his wrists that weren't there before I decided to stay in Bristol. I gently wrap my fingers aorund the pale, stick-like wrist, leaning in and brushing my lips lightly against his scars. He stirs slightly, murmuring a little in his sleep. I smile, kissing the scars on his skin again, and then let go of his wrist, resting my hand on his hip again.

"I wish you didn't do these things to yourself, Shane. Don't ever hurt yourself, not over me or anyone, anything, else." I whisper into his hair. He stirs again, before turning his head to meet my gaze through hooded eyes.

"I wish that, too." He whispers. "I'm sorry, Drew."

I kiss his forehead softly. "Don't apologise. Jus promise me you won't do it again."

He nods. "I promise. As long as I have you, I'll be fine." He angle his head to capture my lips with his own, and I groan as I feel his tongue trail aong my bottom lip, pushing my lips apart. My hand slips from his hip down to his thigh, grasping it roughly, and then I begin pulling his hospital gown up until I get to his-"

"Again?! Drew!" I hear Shane's mum exclaim from the doorway. I tug my hand out from beneath Shane's hospital gown, dragging my lips back from his and practically diving from the bed, grabbing my crutch in seconds and flushing red from embarrassment.

"M-Mrs Sumner! I...I..." I stutter.

"What did I say, mum? Privacy!" Shane gasps out. I turn quickly, pulling up the covers over his body for him again.

"There is no privacy in hospital! Leave that for at home,whre your parents won't catch you in the act!" She sighs, however still grinning between the pair of us.

"So, no frick-frack?" Shane asks with a deeply exaggerated frown.

"No frick-frack." She smirks. Them more seriously, "the doctor wants to talk to you, Shane, about the liver transplant. He'll be through in a second, no doubt. It's about the operation, mainly, and what to expect."

Shane bites his lip, frowning nervously. "Operation... Oh yeah. Forgot about that."

"Hey, it'll be alright." I tell Shane, at the same time as his mother.

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