Chapter Eighteen

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"Ready?" I look towards Arys expectantly, and she nods hesitantly. Her eyes are wide and full of fear. My heart instantly goes out to her. "Can you guys...can you stay here? We won't be long." I ask the others. Luke nods, killing the engine; Laurence scowls at me from behind his notebook; Shane refuses to make eye contact with me; Kier is as oblivious as ever, rolling around on the top bunk and singing softly to himself.

I tug open the door, and Arys and I leave the van, crossing the car park and entering the hospital through the large double doors.

"This way." Arys tells me quietly, gesturing for me to follow her as she walks down the corridor and towards an elevator opposite the main reception. Waiting for an elevator to reach the ground floor, I sigh, taking her hand in mine without a word. She flushes pink, looking up at me, and then shakes her head soundlessly.

"You don't need to be scared. It'll be alright. Besides, I'm here now."

"I can't help it. I'm terrified. I know I'm dying, I know it, I just don't want to see the results, I..." She trails off as the elevator doors open, revealing an empty square space. I step in after her, and she presses the button for the second floor, before sighing and slumping back against a mirrored wall. "I don't know what I'm going to do, Drew."

"You're going to get your results, is what. And everything that happens after that...well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." I squeeze her hand, smiling reassuringly down at her. I can see her shaking on the spot, and before I can reach out to wrap my arms around her the door opens, revealing a plain white corridor. We walk down the corridor, and then Arys approaches the reception desk, taking a deep breath.

"Hello, can I help you?" The woman behind the desk, a middle-aged woman with grey eyes, a grey complexion and wiry grey hair peeled back from her face into a bun, asks.

"Uhm, yes actually... I have an appointment? To see Dr Smith." Arys says quietly. The woman nods, before taking Arys's details and then sending her to sit down. I drop into a seat beside her, glancing up at the clock and seeing that the time is 3:50.

"You said your appointment is at 4?" She just nods wordlessly. "Hey, there's no need to be worried. It'll be fine, I'm sure."

"I don't believe that for a second." She whispers. "Can you...can you come in with me? I don't want to be alone."

"Sure." I squeeze her hand gently, and then we sit in silence, giving me time to think for the next few minutes. What am I going to do if it turns out she's dying? How can I help her? I don't know what to do, dammit!

"Aryssandra Ford?" I hear someone say from the double doors to out left. Arys stands up quicker than I do, shaking from head to toe as she grips my hand tightly in her clammy hold and walks over to where a doctor is standing, holding the door open for us. We follow the woman into her office at the end of a long white-walled corridor, and sit down in the two cushioned seats in front of her desk. As soon as the door is closed, she speaks.

"Well, Aryssandra, we have your results here. Would you like me to explain them to you, or would you like for me to just get it over and done with?" Arys just shrugs, still shaking. "Well, when I got your results back, I...I was shocked, to say the least." Sitting down at her desk, she produces a brown envelope from atop a pile of paperwork on the desk, before pushing it towards Arys.

"Shocked? Why...why shocked?" I ask, concerned. The doctor just sighs.

"Well...I'll let Arys see that for herself. This is rather confidential, so could you perhaps step outside and-"

"No. I...I asked him to stay with me." Arys protests quickly. The doctor nods in defeat, and then stays silent for a moment, clasping her hands and resting them on the desktop. Arys tugs the piece of paper out of the brown envelope, hands shaking and turquoise eyes wide with fear, and then places it on the table.

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