Im Trying To Be Mad At You

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As me and Kihley ran outside I heard Liam yelling. Tears fell down my face.

"Liam..." I said attempting to run back inside. Kihley griped my hand as I struggled to get away.

"I need to see Liam! Zayn and Niall are there! They'll protect me!" I screamed. Niall ran outside to me pushing my shoulders back.

"Katie! You can't! He's extremely pissed off! Hell end up hurting you even more!" Kihley yelled.

"I DON'T CARE." I remarked breaking out of their grip. I ran inside to our bedroom door. Zayn was standing there blocking the door.

"ZAYN. LET ME IN!" I screamed twisting the door handle. I pushed him back and opened the door. Liam was standing facing the wall. His fists clenched tight.

"L...I..Liam.." I stuttered. Blood mark were on the walls. His hands were bleeding and he stood frozen on the wall. I walked closer to him. He turned his head back. His eyes seemed as they were on fire.

"Get the fuck out." His raspy voice roared. Damn he was so bipolar. First he's mad, then sad, then mad again.

"Liam, I just wanna talk!"

"YOU HAD THE DAMN CHANCE TO TALK MANY TIMES. BUT DID YOU TAKE THOSE CHANCES? NO. YOU DIDN'T. YOU ACTED LIKE A COWARD AND RAN AWAY." He screamed as he walked towards me. I stumbled backwards and fell onto the bed. Liam hovered over me, pinning me down. I put my hands on his chest making space between us. His hot breath sent chills down my spine.

"Are you gonna try to run away?" He whispered softly into my ear. I shook my head softly. He leaned in closer. My hands bent closer my my body as I tried to push him away. He was too strong.

"Now tell me. Are you scared of me?" He whispered. I whimpered as he grabbed my hips. He lifted up my shirt looking at the bruises. He widened his eyes staring at the dark black and blue marks.

"No." I struggled to get out.

"Im not scared of you. Even though you get mad easily, Im not scared of you. You may hurt me, but I'll love you." I continued. He looked up at my face, that still had marks from my father. He lightly touched the marks and I felt a tiny shock of pain through my cheek. He saw me flinch and he sorrowfully stared at my marks.

"Im so sorry." He bellowed.

"Do you forgive me?" He continued brushing my other cheek with his hand. I sighed.

Did I forgive him? Just cause he said sorry doesn't mean I should forgive him for hurting me. Im not scared of him. Did I forgive my dad for hurting me after he said sorry? No. So I don't forgive Liam for hurting me. But I will. Just not right now.

"No. Just because you said sorry doesn't mean I forgive you." I remarked. He leaned back and unpinned me down. He stood up off the bed and walked to the door frame.

"When will you forgive me?" He asked sadly.

"When I know I can trust you and when you gain my respect back." I snapped. He pounded his fist against the frame. His hand began to bleed again. I jumped and tried to walk to him.

"Liam, your hand. It's bleeding badly." I said reaching out to him. He pulled back quickly narrowing his eyebrows.

"You can't trust me. So why can I trust you. Just... Let me be." He said walking out the bedroom. I stood there not knowing what to say. He walked to the back door leading to the floral room then to the gym.

"What happened?" Niall asked stuffing his face with leftover breakfast.

"It seems like me and Liam won't be talking for a while." I trailed off. I glanced through the floral room to the gym. Liam hit the punching bag once or twice before noticing me through the clear wall. He quickly glanced away and began punching the bag again.

God dammit. Why did he make me love him when Im trying to be mad at him.


I hit the bag as hard as I could. It flung back making the chain crackle.

All that was on my mind was Katie. What if she never forgives me? What if she left me for some other guy that can't protect her like I would. No. If I could protect her why did I hurt her.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I hit the punching bag fiercely. Katie's head snapped towards me. She heard me curse. She frowned and turned her head once more away.

I felt so much feelings. Anger, sorriness, pain, love. My heart and mind couldn't decide on what I was feeling over all. My mind was jumping up and down in pain and anger as my heart was beating from love and sorriness. Only thing was, how would I get Katie to forgive me.



Heyy. Ok I'm like SO sorry I haven't updated in forever! (Ok like 4 days) I'm sorry, I got caught up in family. .-.

My new Nirry story isn't up yet /.\

I have to catch up on my stories!!

Update as soon as possible!

Bye my turtles ✌



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