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*Just a heads up, this chapter gets a little...saucy*

It had been a while since I had seen Rob's family. It was summer break so we decided to go up and see them. We first went to Buffalo where Rob's father and brothers were.

Once we got there all four of Rob's brothers and father were there to greet us. I got big hugs from them since I hadn't seen them in around five months.

They all decided to take us out to dinner to catch up. We all sat down in a large booth looked over the menus. Soon we order and waited for our food to come. While we were waiting all the guys just asked me a bunch of questions about Africa.

"Did you see any lions?" Chris asked excitedly.

"Chris. I was in villages. Not in the safari or anything like that." I said laughing.

"So you didn't get to wrestle a crocodile?" said Glenn.

"No!" I said laughing harder.

It wasn't long before our food came. I ordered chicken Parmesan, which was one of my all time favorite dishes.

"I'm going to go to the restroom real quick." I said as Rob got out of the booth for me.

I walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. I did my business then
washed my hands. I started to walk back to our table when a waiter came up and slapped my ass from behind. I stopped and looked at him as he walked away. As I was watching him he turned around and mouthed the words "call me"

I ignored him and went to go sit back down next to Rob.

We had finished our main courses and decided on ordering dessert too. Rob and I decided to share a chocolate cake called Better Than Sex. (This is a legit cake btw. It's amazing!)

As Rob and I were sharing our cake, I felt his hand land on my knee. Slowly, he started to move his hand up my thigh, making sure no one noticed the movement. I tried not to squirm, but it was kind of hard.

Soon, his hand was under my dress. His large hand pulled my thong off to the side as he started to rub my clit in a circular motion with his thumb. It took everything I had not to moan or make any movements.

"So Paisley, how is college going? Are you still taking online classes?" Rob's father asked.

"Um. Yes." I said just as Rob inserted a finger inside of me. "Mhm. I finished the ones I was planning on, but I think I might take some more."

"Are you alright?" Dan asked.

"Me? Oh yeah I'm fine." I lied as Rob inserted two more fingers and pumped them in and out faster and harder.

"Okay..." Dan said unsure.

Rob continued to finger me as the conversation kept going. I was about to cum when Rob pulled his fingers out of me.

"We should probably get going. We have been here for a while." Rob said standing up and getting out of the booth.

I gave him a death glare just as he offered me his hand to help get out of the booth.

Chris and Glenn had offered to watch Adam and Jack tonight. Meaning Rob and I were going back to his house that he rents when he's here.

"Bye guys." I said giving the boys a small wave and walking out the restaurant door with Rob.

We got to Rob's car and he opened the door for me and I gladly go in the car. Then he shut the door and walked over to his side and got it. When he did, I was staring at him.

What Would I Do Without You? (A Rob Gronkowski Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now