Chapter 28

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Note: I had to change the name. I felt that the original title was too mundane. This new one is quite the basic one also but it's definitely one step up!

Seto and Ashley walked into the vacation home after a very long day. They basically explored one of many neighboring islands. Seto was satisfied to see how interested Ashley was about learning other cultures. He now knew that he could take her to different places without hearing her bitch about how bored she was. Ungrateful past girlfriends made him add this to his "tests". However, he knew that she was way more intelligent than the past few women he was with. She was interested in other things besides sex, money, or other material things. Ashley actually appreciated things that he did for her. They both greet the butler, who still was quite disturbed at the noise he had to hear on the last legs of his shift last night.

Their dirty deeds last night and Touring around the island had taken a lot out of them so they decided to have dinner on the couch. After telling the chef what they wanted to eat, Seto turned on the television to watch the local news. Of course, it was in French, and he turned to face his girlfriend. "I can translate it if you'd like." Ashley couldn't help but pout, but she actually cuddled into him resting her head on his lap. "I'm actually fluent in four languages baby. Japanese, English, Spanish and French. Spanish and French are so sexy." She laughed, and he just shook his head at her. "Well I shouldn't expect anything less for someone as smart as you, huh?" Seto chuckled, hoping that she'd sensed the sarcasm laced in it. He loves arguing with her. He turned his attention back to the television.

"Listen buddy, I happen to be very smart. I'm also a nice person, unlike you. You just mistake me for an idiot because I'm nice." Ashley retorts, looking up at her CEO boyfriend. "I never said you were an idiot. But you'll never be as smart as I am." "And what makes you so smart?" "See that question just explains everything, Ashley. Do I have to state why?" "No Seto, but I'm-"

"Shush, I'm going to anyway. I was running a multi-billion dollar company before I had hair on my chin." "You're twenty-two and you still don't have any." Seto ignored her little remark and continued on. "I'm a pilot, you've seen the jets. Great at engineering, duel disks are the top tech products in the world. I'm one of the youngest billionaires in the world, do you honestly think I did that without intelligence?"

"Seto, your accomplishments are pretty amazing for someone your age. However, you can't do life's basic tasks. You don't fold your sheets in the morning, I always have to do it when I get up, you don't know how to do your own laundry, you make that poor maid wash you and Mokuba's drawers. The only thing you can cook are boiled eggs, and when I asked you for soft boiled eggs, you had no idea when to take them out. You're pretty good with children, but I'm willing to bet that you don't know how to change diapers."

Seto sneered away and was silent for a moment, then he looked back down at his girlfriend for his retort. "I have money, I don't have to do that shit. I have molded you into a spoiled little asshole too. When's the last time you washed a dish? Or combed your hair for God's sake?" Ashley suddenly came to life, smacking Seto roughly on the shoulder. "Fucking asshole, this is sex hair. You put me in doggy and made this happen." He didn't say anything this time, and actually turned his attention back to the tv. Ashley took this as victory. "I always win." "I don't care. I don't date losers."

She inwardly gloated and grabbed her purse from the elegant wooden coffee table. After rummaging through it, she finally found her iPhone. "Oooh Nessa sent me a pic." Ashley states, opening the iMessage. She laid on her back on the couch, now resting her legs on Seto's lap. She giggled to herself when she saw the little picture of Annessa and Mokuba at a beach-side restaurant in Cancun. The waiter obviously was the one who snapped the photo. "Awwh Seto! Look at these two munchkins!" The proud big sister grinned as Seto took the phone from her. He took a look at the comment that Nessa texted, "Mokuba, Kenji, and I!"

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