Chapter 1

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It was just another day in the office for Seto Kaiba. Working on paperwork, wondering how he could've hired a bunch of idiots to work for him. These incompetent fools were simply holding all his projects back even further. Did he really have to do everything?

The 22 year old CEO ran a hand through his hair with the frustration etched on his face. Today was a particularly annoying day, and absolutely nothing went according to plans at all. Kaiba was very punctual. He expected his departments to work up to speed, and there would be levels of hell to pay if something wasn't done on time. A new level opens depending on how important it was.

Today's frustration was aimed toward Daichi Namakemono and the Animation department. Kaiba ALWAYS had problems with this department because they were behind on everything. Namakemono, the Lead Graphic Designer, was as stupid as they get. He's been Kaiba's top man of design for about 2 years, and lately there was always something that hindered things from getting done. Kaiba had enough. This was the last straw. They were working on designs for Kaiba's new virtual world programs. Animation failed to get the prints in on time, and there was going to be hell to be paid.

Squeezing the bridge of his nose, Kaiba went straight to the elevator in his office. Angrily hitting the 35th floor button, he made his way to the Animation Department. Someone was going to get an ass chewing of a lifetime.

On the 35th floor, a young woman, about 21 years old sat at her desk, working diligently. She was sketching a few costumes that the players in the virtual reality simulators can wear. To her amusement, Kaiba specifically demanded her to come up with a Blue Eyes White Knight costume for him. However, she was Currently she adding color to a female suit. She hoped that Kaiba didn't mind the suit having a striking resemblance to Zero Suit Samus. Right now she just hoped that Kaiba liked it enough to allow her to program it into his V.R. The others were socializing, talking about the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

Ashley Orton did not particularly fit in with this older crowd, she was a lone wolf. She had some friends that worked here, but none in her department. Seto Kaiba didn't really respect Ashley, but took a liking to her work ethic. He often challenged her, giving the girl many projects at a time to work on. You can say that fellow Graphic Designers were a bit salty that Seto Kaiba put all his trust in this kid. She was simply envied because she took all the top projects. She was equivalent to a Teacher's pet.

Ashley did not say a word when Kaiba barged into Animation screaming at the top of his lungs. "I don't fucking pay you people to stand around and shoot the shit!! Get back to work!!" Many employees ran back to their desks, while the ones that stood petrified were fired. Ashley shuttered at the sound of his voice, quickly trying to focus on the task at hand. She listened in when Kaiba began to yell at her boss. "Namakemono! I told you to have these prints done last Friday!! Why is it that you're always fucking up?!" Mr. Namakemono was terrified, Kaiba just lost all patience with him. "Mr. Kaiba if you just give me three more days-" "you're fired!" This caught Ashley's attention. Her eyes became wide as she turned to look on.

Namakemono dropped to his knees, starting to plea for his job back. Tears stained his face as he held onto Kaiba's leg. His pleas became annoying and he curled up by his old desk. "Get this piece of garbage out of my building!" A smirk plastered on Kaiba's face as he had security walk him out.

Kaiba looked to the back of the room, making eye contact with Ashley. Her face suddenly flushed and she put her head back down. It was too late though. She heard his footsteps coming her way. "Shit shit shit shit, he's gonna fire me next!" Ashley's thoughts ran wild, and her hands began to shake. She was deathly afraid of Seto Kaiba. She was shy and quiet, the sound of his voice shook her depths to its core.

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