Desperate for Answers

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The monotonous sound of the heart monitor drowned out the silence. It was soft, but they could hear it from outside the room. Five of them waited outside waiting for both Jin to return and for them to be allowed in the room. Currently, only Jungkook's parents were allowed into the room. BTS wasn't surprised that his parents were just as confused as they were.

Then the door opened and his parents came out with pained and sorrowful expressions. BTS was the only group of people who were there in the waiting room who knew what was happening. Jungkook's parents approached the band and it felt like two decades for them to finally be in front of them. Jimin looked up at Jungkook's parents, waiting for an answer.

"How is he, ajusshi?" Jimin asked out of impatience.
"It's hard to say..."

Jungkook's father's language was as complex as their choreography as was his mother's expression. V took note of Jungkook's mother. Something else pained her and this made her even more traumatized. Her heart needed to mourn. Her arms were coiled around herself like a corpse in the coffin and her husband was holding onto her like he was going to lose her too. He bit part of his lip, reminding the band of Jungkook during a troubling practice session—or a really hard video game.

"Why did this happen?" she croaked. "Why did our little boy do this? We thought everything was perfect with him. Every time we saw him he seemed healthy and...happy."—her face turned directly toward Rap Monster's—"You all should know... I hate myself for admitting this, but you all probably know our son better than us...considering the few times, we did see him. Can you please tell us why this happened? Why did our son live, but desperately want to die?"
"Please tell us," her husband hoarsely spoke as he held back rouge tears. "We have to know."
"Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, we will find out why your son—our friend and family member—attempted this," Suga said. "And at the moment, we're just as baffled and as desperate for answers as you. However we intend to find out."

Jungkook's parents couldn't bare to say anything else, so they slightly bowed their heads in thanks and quickly left.

Shortly after the solemn conversation with Jungkook's parents, BTS was allowed into the room. Each of them was hesitant to enter. Anything could lie before them. But all they could think about is Why? Suga entered first. He's generally motionless and carries a straight face. But even the sight of their maknae now shook strong Suga. The others followed him, all speechless. Besides, what would they say? Why could they say?


They simply stated at what lied before them. Something unlike anything they had ever seen. Lifeless. This may be the first time the Bangtan Boys had ever seen anyone look so dead, yet be so alive. They couldn't see Jeon Jungkook anymore. All they saw was death. His skin was slightly blue and his face seemed hollowed out. He was much smaller than they all remembered. His angelic eyes were closed and between his cyan agape lips was a tube—for life support.

"Why the hell did you do this, Jungkook?" Jimin shakily muttered under his breath and then suddenly broke. "Why!"

He was suddenly enveloped in an embrace from V. His anger quickly subsided and tears began to gently flow from his eyes. Suga took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair in deep thought. His face remained vacant as he stared at the maknae. J-Hope also wore an unreadable expression as he listened to the monotonous beeping noise. Rap Monster noticed how melancholy his band mates were and he wished he could cheer them up, but he simply couldn't.

"Where's Jin?" J-Hope calmly asked.
"He should be here soon...," Rap Monster said as he checked the time.


One hour passed and Jin still wasn't there. Rap Monster grew concerned for Jin. There were no calls or messages from him. Stepping outside the white room, Rap Monster brought his phone up to his ear and waited for Jin to answer. Rap Monster took deep breaths as the phone on the other side lingered.

"Hello?" Jin answered.
"Where are you?" Rap Monster asked. "We need to talk."
"Sorry, I got a little sidetracked on my way back over. Traffic was bad and the media is going nuts over what happened!"
"Well, when do you think you'll be here?"
"Three minutes. I promise."

Their phone call ended abruptly and Rap Monster entered the white room with a change of mind.

"Listen, everyone," he caught everyone's attention, "I know it's hard, but we need answers now. Hearts can only mourn for so long... Jin will be back soon and then we can start finding clues to why this happened. But for now, we have to stop mourning and stay strong with Jungkook. Got it?"
"I'm so pissed," Jimin said with a cross tone. "I'm not even that upset like I expected. I mean, why would he do this to us? I don't understand! And last night...last night was awful."
"I know," Rap Monster sighed. "It's hard to see someone just break down like that."
"Not just someone! He's like a little brother to me, y'know? I just don't know how I feel about this. I'm super pissed at him, but I'm shattered on the inside. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry... How can someone feel this torn and complex all at once? It's hell!"
"I feel the same way," Suga said.
"Don't we all?" V murmured.

The band members agreed in unison and sat back in their chairs. Suddenly, the door swung open and Jin appeared with three objects in his hands: a book, Jungkook's phone and a bag, which was filled with several other objects—soon to be revealed. His face was tear-stained but his mind seemed determined.

"We have to figure out why this happened," Jin announced as he took a seat. "I talked to Jungkook's parents and they agree."
"Alright, but where do we start?" Suga asked. "We've known Jungkook a while now. Anything could've happened!"
"Well, why don't we start with this?" Jin revealed a ragged red object.

He lain the book and small bag on a table at the foot of Jungkook's bed. Jimin's eyes illuminated in remembrance. He touched the cover and felt the torn cover. His fingers ran down the spine as he felt the rough leather around the book. He took it in his hand and turned it around; front and back; left and right.

"I've seen this before!" Jimin exclaimed.
"You have?" V questioned. "Where? When?"
"I don't remember exactly when, but it was within the last year. It was night time at a hotel and I couldn't fall asleep. I knew Jungkook was awake because there was this dim light on. I turned to my other side and saw Jungkook there with that book and a pen in his hand. He seemed weary and was writing a lot in it. He didn't know I was awake until I asked him what he was doing. He told me he was annotating a play for SOPA, but got bored and began to sketch in the margins. I laughed at his response and took his word for it. But I never found out what play it was, though..."
"Well, let's open it!" J-Hope said. "I bet it's some tragedy."

Jimin put his other hand on the cover and then froze. He became hesitant to unveil the book. His fingers just brushed the leather covering to feel every centimeter of it.

"Why did you stop?" Suga asked.
"Yeah, it's okay, Jimin. We approve," Rap Monster said.
"I'm kind of worried. I don't know what to expect...," Jimin said.
"Want me to do it?" V offered.
"No, I'll do it."

Jimin began to raise the cover and the first page revealed itself. His eyes opened wide, his face was petrified, and his jaw dropped as he stared at the page in complete shock.

"What is it, Jimin?" J-Hope asked.
"It''s a journal—not a book," Jimin murmured.

J-Hope's jaw also fell agape. Suga's eyes widened. Everyone was frozen in their seats.

"This dates all the way back to June 13, 2013!" Jimin flipped through the pages. "There're at least a few entries every month!"
"Wow...daebak," J-Hope muttered.

Everyone remained still.

"We're going to have to read it," Rap Monster suddenly said. "We need this."
"We'll look at what's in the bag a little later, then," Jin declared.
"Alright...I guess I'll read the first entry," Jimin reluctantly said. "If that's okay with everyone."
"Go ahead," Jin nodded.

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