February 1, 2014

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After the meet with the doctor, the boys continued to search for answers—more specifically, read the journal. Jimin decided to play storyteller for now and was given the book by Jin. He took the book in his hands and turned to the next entry: February 1, 2014.

"I've been really focusing on myself lately. I'm not being self-centered or a narcissist. I've just been trying to make some self-improvements. Firstly, I have been working on a project in my art class. I have two art classes: drawing and painting. My parents have seen my drawings before, so I want to surprise them by creating a painting for them to put in the house.

But I just started it and it's almost the end of the year. I wish I could have started it earlier, but I was assigned several projects before. The only way for me to paint what I wanted was if I finished the projects early. I only have a month—not even a month—to finish it. I just hope it's great.

I have a lot of extra time to write since we've finished promoting and practicing. The only thing we've been rehearsing for is for live performances. But even so, we don't practice as much as before. It's like a little hiatus. But only for a while. Bang-nim told us that we would be practicing much more once I'm out of school for the year.

Anyway, my painting is the cityscape I see from our dorms. We aren't in a skyscraper or anything special like that. We're actually kind of low in the city. I captured a specific moment with my phone. I took a picture and printed it out. During class, one of my art teachers, Mr. Im, gave me a medium sized canvas to begin my project. I went to my other art teacher, Mrs. Yeon, for advice on my outline. Mr. Im and Mrs. Yeon are both very supportive. They're quite understanding.

My outline was finished a few days ago and I've started painting. I'm using acrylic paint. Nothing fancy or expensive. My parents also like things that are simple too. I figured this would be perfect. I started by painting the buildings that bordered the edges of my painting. Mr. Im is my painting instructor and suggested that I utilized impasto painting style—the deliberate application of paint to emphasize texture. The building was brick. I tried it and it really did work like a charm. But I'm afraid that it is quite time-consuming. Because nearly all the buildings are brick in my photo, I haven't made much progress.

But you can't rush art. I've been taking as much time as needed to finish this masterpiece. Not only have I been relieving stress, but I've also been discovering new methods of painting. Impasto painting was one thing, but I've also been using razor blades to help clean up the edges, etc.

Besides my latest art project, I've really been working on my appearance. Because of the new album and promotions, I've been working out more and trying to build more muscle. There are so many new A.R.M.Y.'s now; I don't want to disappoint. I've dropped 7 kilograms since Jimin's birthday without trying much at all! I was actually really happy to see that; I'm not really sure why. It's probably because I wasn't only losing weight, but I was also building muscle.

Also, before I forget, I got a letter from my brother. I didn't think he would be able to do that in the army because he would be so busy," Jimin read.

His eyes looked down and saw a taped piece of wrinkled notebook paper. It had a few brown spots scattered on it and a tear along the side of it from where it was torn out of a notebook. His hands reached for the paper and delicately removed it from the journal. His members watched him unravel the paper. Jimin cleared his throat and skimmed the first few lines of it before beginning to narrate the letter.

I hope you're doing well. The last time we spoke, you mentioned how busy you were preparing for your upcoming album and comeback. By now I'm sure at least one song has been released. I'm sure it's great! I can't wait to hear it when I'm able to visit.

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