Backreading & The Cousin

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The home screen was (obviously) a photo of G-Dragon—Jungkook's "god", basically. Suga swiped right to view all of the windows on Jungkook's phone. Nothing suspicious so far..., he thought. There were only two screens: the home screen and the one to the right of it. He opened a few app folders and viewed the apps.

"There aren't any apps that could have anything do to with this," Suga said. "There aren't many apps at all!"
"What about that popular American app...what's it called?" Jimin thought. "Instagram? Yeah, I think that's what it's called. Maybe you should check that."

Suga returned to the app and opened it. He loudly sighed as everyone gathered around him even closer.

"He logged out!" Suga exclaimed. "Why? Why would he do this?"
"Why don't you go check his texts?" Namjoon suggested.
"Isn't that a little...invasive?" V asked his hyung.
"So is reading a person's private journal."

Suga exited Instagram and went into Jungkook's message app. But before he tapped on it, he noticed the red notification circle on the top right-hand side of the app icon. 14 unread messages?, Suga thought, What the hell? He proceeded to tap on it and saw the usual suspects' names on a few conversations. Park Miso. Isaac Young. Mr. Jeon. Mrs. Jeon. Most of them were from Miso and Isaac.

"Woah, woah!" J-Hope warned Suga. "Hold up. Who's...Im Yunji?"
"No idea...," Suga muttered. "But she sent him something..."

The message was a few sentences long; somewhat lengthy.

Jungkookie-oppa, will you please meet me at SOPA at 16:45 on September 31? There's no emergency or anything; I was just hoping we could talk. I haven't talked to you since you graduated. I have a free period then and I could kind of sneak out to see you. I know it's been hard since Miso left and since Daesul...well...y'know. Anyway, maybe I could cheer you up? I'll be waiting for you at the front of the school, even if you don't show up. But I hope you will.

"When was this message sent?" Jin asked.
"Um...a week ago," Suga checked.
"Hm...he didn't even respond."
"What time is it now?" Rap Monster suddenly inquired.
"16:30. Why?" V checked his watch.
"Omo! We've got some time to meet up with this girl! We might be able to catch her if we run!"

Without hesitation, they all gathered their things and left the hospital, racing down the busy streets of Seoul.


Im Yunji sat at a bench near the front of SOPA's entrance. She remembered her promise to Jungkook and would wait there. Her hair was dyed in an ombré fashion; her natural black hair at the roots of her hair and it slowly faded into a deep cobalt. Her pearly white skin glowed in the light as she patiently waited.

It's been lonely at SOPA ever since Jungkook, Miso, Isaac, and Daesul graduated last year. She didn't have many friends in her grade; she didn't know many people in her grade, considering the fact that she was a) an American, b) joined SOPA during the middle of the semester a couple years ago, and c) not only Korean, but a Chinese-Canadian-Korean hybrid. She had many friends in the upper grades because she was Jungkook's second cousin. It's a weak family relationship—but it was there.

"Yunji-unnie," a younger girl greeted her, "what are you doing out here?"
"I'm waiting for someone to come," she simply replied. "They're running a little late, though."
"You should call them."
"I would, but I didn't charge my phone last night at the dorms and I'm out of battery. So I guess I'll just have to keep waiting."
"Do you want me to call someone for you, unnie?"
"Thanks, Hyeji, but I'm fine."

Yunji watched as Hyeji left her. Where is that cousin of mine?, she thought, Well, it's only five minutes after 16:45, so I guess he could just be a little late.

Suddenly, she heard knocking at the door. She vigilantly peered to the door and saw the Bangtan Boys all gathered outside, waiting for someone to let them in. Yunji shook and almost fell off the bench she was sitting on. She sat back up and stared at the handsome boys with scarlet cheeks. She almost had a heart attack from their sudden appearance. They all seemed quite anxious to see her.

Before standing up, she surveyed the hallway and noticed how vacant it was. Then she made her way to the door to see them.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked, letting them in.

They all ran into the building, without answering.

"We're looking for someone!" Jin told her. "Do you know where Im Yunji is?"
"Yes," she giggled. "Right here."
"Oh! You're Im Yunji-ah? I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can call me 'Jin-oppa'" Jin approached her and introduced himself. "Nice to meet you."
"Yeah, that's me...nice to meet you, too"—They're a lot less charismatic than I expected, Yunji thought, They're really similar to my cousin—"Anyway, what are you doing here? Why do you want to see me?"
"Well, we need to talk to her—I mean—you," V said.
"About what? Will it take long? I really need to talk to Jungkook-oppa. Do you know where he is?"

The boys froze and gave her a frightening feeling. She examined each of their faces.

"Jin-oppa...where is he?" she asked.
" don't know?" Jin asked.
"Know what? You guys are scaring me...what happened to Kookie-oppa?"

The boys exchanged looks. They didn't know what to do. How could she not know?, Jin asked himself, It's all over the news by now! She may be in school, but nowadays everyone has a smart phone—I'm sure she would have seen it by now! Cutting him out of his thoughts, he found himself and Suga starring at each other.

"You tell her," Jin told him.
"Me? Why me?" Suga argued. "You're the most caring person!"
"But you're good at explaining things! Much better than me!"
"But you have the most sympathy!"
"Please stop arguing!" Yunji pleaded. "I don't want to be caught or get a detention! Did you guys even get guest passes to get in here?"

Suga stepped behind Jin and gave his hyung a little push forward. Jin almost ran into Yunji because of Suga's actions. His face turned red and he stepped back one step. Yunji stared up at Jin, waiting for him to say something.

"Um...Yunji-ah, there's...Jungkook-ah...he...—"
"He killed himself, didn't he?"
"And you didn't know?"
"Not until now. But it was so obvious that was going to happen! Why didn't I take action sooner?"
"Wait a second," Rap Monster interrupted. "Yunji-ah, how did you just assume that Jungkook killed himself?"
"Well, from everything that he's been through, duh!" she sighed, then acknowledged her rude behavior. "Sorry...oppa."
"It's okay. But can you please explain?"

Yunji nodded. She took them into the school and they looked through the long entry hallway. After a few moments of walking down the hallway, they came across the courtyard in the middle of SOPA that Jungkook was constantly referring to. And they walked right into it.

"Finally! Outside! Where we can finally talk a little louder," she said in a louder voice. "This was Jungkook's second favorite place in the school, next to the art studio. He could talk to me really well here and to Isaac and to Miso."
"So he was friends with Isaac?" J-Hope asked.
"Oh yeah! Especially Miso, oppa! They were all the best of friends..."
"Well, what screwed it all up?" Suga inquired as they all took a seat on the benches.
"Park Daesul."

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